Should (and When Should) I Transplant And Numbers


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Sooo. . .
I've always had a lot of hair but began losing it since I turned 18. I noticed that what used to naturally comb backwards into a pretty great, if wiry pompadour, began to lay more flat around the time I graduated from high school.
I started combing it forward or to the side and more or less got by, though I've been an on and off Minoxidil user since 2001 have been using both minoxidil 5% and generic Finasteride regularly since 2013. I use also Nizoral (and a couple of other shampoos/conditioners).
Long story short, after years of worry and frequenting hairloss forums to read and hope I'm at the end of the assumption that I can do anything else alone, but also in search of support.
For the folks in the know how would you asses the current state of the dissolving union that is my cranial covering? I'm about to be relatively debt free soon, so why not negate that with elective medical debt?
What would the transplant recipients on the forum suggest and/or advise? Is now the time? Is it better to hold a little longer (how long would that even be)? How much is enough (count and money-wise)?
What happens after that (assuming I stick to the regime)
Is it wholly folly? What about those celebs that have seemed to have great (subjective) hairline transplants(supposedly everyone from David Beckham to Rob Schneider)? How much of that is rumor or editing? I guess part of me is just flailing in the dark. Thanks for any replies.


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Experienced Member
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Your hair looks fine, since you are on finasteride you are doing all the right things. I would wait on getting a transplant, the risk is too great.


New Member
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Interesting... and thank you, im not fishing for hair compliments, but I'll take fine. My siblings give me hell for my regime, but my immediate younger brother is two years my junior and muuuuuuch worse off (large bald spot and receding) and my youngest brother is following my dad with notched recession and a small balding spot. I'm pretty new to studying transplants. What would be the major worries of transplantation, beyond the donors not taking. What's the best way to asses when and is it better to just try and stock the $$$ away if I feel the same at another age? I mean at various points of my 20s I lightly considered transplants (hell I even mulled wigs) but I at least made it to 30 with hair that looks roughly "fine" and sometimes still decent, even if I miss growing it out and enjoying different hair styles.

michel sapin

Senior Member
My Regimen
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hey, where are you applying the minoxidil ? to your whole scalp( crown and hairline ) ? or just hairline ?


New Member
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Thanks for the reply Michel
As for on and off it was mainly in my early to mid 20s. I never really stopped fully, I was just lazy ie. not every day/not twice a day, might stop for a couple of days/ a week or a month if I happened to run out. Never felt like a worse than usual shed but I feel like my shedding heaviness comes and goes.
Earlier I was focusing on hairline with the minoxidil, but now I do a little extra and hit the hair line and try and massage into the crown area as well.
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