should i add avodart or fluridil to my sitsuation?


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im currently on minoxidil 5%, msm, and nizoral. should i add fluridil or avodart? one is a pill and one is a topical right? any advise would be appriciated. :D


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Well, I don't know a think about avodart, but from what I've seen fluridil(sp), it looks like it's very promising.

However, since it is a topical, you're going to really have to balance putting it in along with getting your application of minoxidil in. If you think you can do it, I say go for it. I'm probably going to take up fluridil soon myself.

I'd say get on propecia, but I'm assuming you've gone down that path already (and if you haven't, I really suggest trying it since it is very effective at maintaing your hairloss).


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thx, i am just using the minoxidil 1x a day now so i should have time to apply the fluridil in the pm, where can i get it??????? ive asked a few times and no one seems to know :roll:

too bald too furious

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I suggest you wait atleast 6 months alone with minoxidil, then add something to your regimen. a google search man!


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Although avodart seem to be better than propecia because it blocks both type of dht, I would suggest that you should get on propecia because it's cheaper and fda approve. For some reason Avodart can't get pass the second phase of FDA approving it. I don't know why. But would for sure try to get on something that blocks dht because your not on anything that does that and your only putting a bandaid with just minoxidil. But if you do use propecia or avodart don't get off minoxidil because you will loss any hair that you save with the drug. You will have to use less and less over a period of 6 months before you get completely of minoxidil if you want to get off of it.


cruiser said:
im currently on minoxidil 5%, msm, and nizoral. should i add fluridil or avodart? one is a pill and one is a topical right? any advise would be appriciated. :D

It's almost like you are putting a splint on your head, with steel implants to keep it steady, wrapped in a soft linen cloth to keep out moisture.

How's that!