Should i add Folligen to mine regime straight away ?


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Hi Guyz, I am a diffuse thinner with receded hairline and temples. I started mine regime wid big threes by the start of this month(thanks to this forum). Mine question is as i need regrowth at temples and frontal area, should i add Folligen straight away to mine regime or should stick with big threes initially ?? Thanks a lot.


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i would advise u not to add Folligen straight away. Try to stick with big threes initially and give them some time to see the result. Hair dun instantly become thick overnight. U need to wait for them to shed and grow thicker.

I am currently using Minoxidil and it had help me a lot. Most of my hair has become thicker and i could see a lot of tiny hair at my temples. But it will take a long time for the hair to become thick and long. It been abt 3 month since i seen those tiny hair. They had become thicker but are only abt 1 inch long. My guess is that hair at ur hairline grow at a slower rate compared to hair at other places.


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Thanks for helping out, i am going to give it a year and then decide. Does it shed at frontal regions as well ? Wid one month on minoxidil i m feeling mine frontal hair bit lighter. Is it normal ?


Senior Member
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I agree on the waiting part until you add folligen into the equation. I would only add it at this point if you were experiencing an itchy and unhealthy scalp, which folligen is excellent for.