Should I add minoxidil? Or wait to see Propecia results first?


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I am currently on day 4 of Propecia, and have been using Nizoral about 3x a week for 3 weeks

Only upon very close inspection, under well lit conditions I can see some thinning in my Vertex. I first noticed loss (by shedding) one month ago, so I think I caught it just at the start.

Should I add 5% minoxidil already, or would waiting 8-12 months to see my Propecia results be a better strategy before supplementing with minoxidil?


Established Member
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if you're just starting.. why bother making your hair min dependant!

The propecia will hopefully halt any further hair loss, and thicken those that haven't fallen. Min is for raising the dead.


Established Member
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I would add a growth stimulator, such as copper peptides or minoxidil. You would likely have at least 2X's the success if you used one of these in combination with propecia. Propecia is mainly to prevent futher damage, not to regrow a bunch of hair. If you want thicker hair, then add minoxidil and/or copper peptides.

I'm not one who advises to put off minoxidil. The stuff works best for people under 25. The older you get the less chance the follicles will respond. The longer you wait the less chance you will have of responding. The clock is ticking.

If you put off minoxidil, then I would seriously advise using a copper peptide as a growth stimulator.


Senior Member
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you know if you were on minoxidil alone i would definitely tell you to get proscar...but if you're on priscar i'd take it for a year and use minoxidil later on unless your hairloss gets bad than i'd add minoxidil. i've been on minoxidil 3 years and it hasn't done much, if anything, but get me a flaky scalp which leads me to use t gel all the time.