Should i add something esle ?


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Hi Everyone,
Currently on second month on mine regime with big three, i am starting too see many new tiny hairs on mine both receded temples. I wanted to make sure that these do convert into terminal hairs, so should i add something else in mine regime to make sure they become terminal ? Mine concern is because many vetrans say not many do go on to terminal ??? Thx..


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hi. no, you should not change anything! month 2 is super early. I also had small hairs on the front of my hairline around month 2.5, many have, in fact, gone terminal. some are still hanging out along the hairline at month 6, i'm hoping they too join the others. give it time my friend. remember, if it takes years and years to even notice "hair loss", it takes an equally long time to notice and get "hair gain."


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Thanks a lot Trent, I will stick to it hoping they all go terminal :D , Thx again.