Should I attempt haircubed?


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Hey all I have had success in the past using finasteride & Min.
I recently went off both cause I thought it wasnt working as much as it used to and was thinning again.
Now I am thinner than ever before. I have started the big 3 again (finasteride, min, nizoral)
And was wondering if I should use toppik or hair cubed as a filler until my hair returns as it did in the past (at least this is what I am hoping). I have had great success off and on so I believe it should grow back again eventually.

Let me know your thoughts on Toppik or haircubed. Does it affect Min or finasteride?



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I can't imagine Toppik causing any problems with hair regrowth. Haircubed is a spray on concealer, but from what I've heard they shouldn't interfer with your hair regrowing. That stuff is expensive, though. You should try prothik or fullmore. They are basically the same thing and much less costly. I got a can of prothik for fifteen bucks. Haircubed is around seventy.


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Yes I think I am going to attempt Nanogen after reading some posts in this forum.
Question I have is, if I do sweat a little does it just dissapear or will I have like black drips dripping down my face lol.



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If you sweat a little, you probably won't have any problems.
I've been outdoors a few times recently while using toppik or megathik and I did sweat a tiny bit without any of it running off. I'm thinking about wearing a doo rag or sweat band if I'm going to be out in the sun and possibly sweating a lot. Or I might just put on a hat and not wear any toppik at all during times like that.


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SO does it drip the color it is?
So if I have black hair and obviously will use black nangoen does it drip black when wet?


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If you sweat profusely then the answer is probably yes. Some people complain about the sweat from their head running green. It would also depend on how much Toppik or nanogen you have on.
That's why I reccomend wearing a loose fitting doo rag if you're going to the gym or will be outdoors while it's very hot. When I'm working out, I don't bother to put the toppik on. I wear a doo rag to the gym and don't take it off until I get home. That way I don't have to worry about people seeing my thinning areas or colored sweat coming off my head.


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both toppik and nanogen work well for me and they both seem to stay on even after sweating hardcore. Many a times its stayed on while running outside or playing bball or any other physical activity. My hair is probly about an inch long where I use it. Maybe other people have different experiences but for me toppik and nanogen stay in unltil i shower


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I recently went and bought my husband a can of Hair Cubed from a local Beauty Supplie store that ended up carrying it. I do admit it was a little expensive and pricie but my husband still has the can and its been almost 4 months and he still has a good amount left in the can. He's used Nanogen and another product called Prothik. Nanogen wasn't working because powders kept rubbing off of his head in the middle of the day while he was in the middle of a meeting at work. Prothik, was more of a paint spray and looked fake. His hair looks way more natural now. Even more natural then when we got married 25 years ago I must say... =)