Should I be cycling?


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hi im taking these vitamins daily

balanced b-complex: 1

Multi-vitamen: 1-2

MSM: 2000-3000mg

Zinc- 30mg

Biotin- 500mcg

Should I be cycling these vitamens, and if so how many weeks on and off?

I also have L-arginine and am gonna start taking it soon, but I have a large coldsore on my lip that I get occasionaly. So I also have L-lysine to combat this. I was wondering Should I take the pills at the same time or should I take one before the other and take them a specific time period apart? And how should I cycle these? Is there anything else I should add? I am also on propecia and nizoral 2%, and waiting on minoxidil to see the effectivness of propecia.

thanks your help is much appreciated.


no need to cycle vitamins

wise to cycle amino acids, generally 4 weeks on 2 off, depending on what you are using L-Aginine for (in this case I presume hair growth) you can replace it with somwthing like L-Ornathine as this will not triger latent simplex.

I ain't no doctor so you need to do a seach through the old threads here, there is a lot of info on this kinda thing.