I am a 19 year old male. After starting college in the fall, I began to notice an increased amount of my hair falling out, especially around my cowlick. I also began to see my scalp through my hair, more easily than I ever had before. When I would take a shower or comb my hair, I would see strands of hair covering my hands or comb. I also began seeing strands of hair on the shoulders of my clothing or on my computer keyboard. I had convinced myself I was going bald. Last week I had a dermatologist appointment for a separate issue, and at the end of the appointment I asked the doctor if she could examine my hair because I thought I might be starting to go bald. She examined my scalped and pulled my hair in certain places and said that it looked completely healthy to her, because my hair wasn't becoming "thin around the shafts" (I had already showered and combed my hair that day which is when most of my hair loss occurs). I know that the doctor's opinion is much more valuable than my own internet research and such, but I was not convinced. When I pull on my hair especially in the top, I often pull out 5 or 6 pieces. I do not doubt that I could be losing over 100 hairs per day (which is what the doctor identified as the normal number). My doctor also suggested it could be telogen effluvium triggered by an extremely stressful transition to college (which was the case). However, through my own research, I know that telogen effluvium occurs all over the head while my hair loss seems largely concentrated on top. Additionally, I have since settled in very well at school, and that extreme level of stress ended nearly 5 months ago.
My question is, if I see a different dermatologist, how likely is it that they have a different opinion? Would my original dermatologist have had a different opinion had I not showered and combed my hair less than an hour before the appointment? Or should I just trust her reassurance that my hair is completely normal? Thanks.
My question is, if I see a different dermatologist, how likely is it that they have a different opinion? Would my original dermatologist have had a different opinion had I not showered and combed my hair less than an hour before the appointment? Or should I just trust her reassurance that my hair is completely normal? Thanks.