Should I expect a second big shed at 8+ months?


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I had a huge moulting session at about eight weeks on finasteride, and seven months later I'm enjoying some of the resulting regrowth.

I've heard guys report a second major shed around the nine month mark. I'm well up for it!

Should I expect it to begin soon, or is it an urban myth?

I love that look when your sweater starts to resemble a dog's blanket


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AKA said:
I had a huge moulting session at about eight weeks on finasteride, and seven months later I'm enjoying some of the resulting regrowth.

I've heard guys report a second major shed around the nine month mark. I'm well up for it!

Should I expect it to begin soon, or is it an urban myth?

I love that look when your sweater starts to resemble a dog's blanket

Hey AKA,

Its hard to say, but shedding is part of hairs natural cycle. Whether or not it will happen at month 8 I dont know. But I would count on another shed, maybe not as bad as your previous one. Those are my two cents...

Hope all works out!


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brasileirao said:
I would count on another shed, maybe not as bad as your previous one. Those are my two cents...

Hope all works out!

Thanks Tony

I take it that you have experienced several sheds yourself. Can you recall when you hit your second major shed?


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AKA said:
brasileirao said:
I would count on another shed, maybe not as bad as your previous one. Those are my two cents...

Hope all works out!

Thanks Tony

I take it that you have experienced several sheds yourself. Can you recall when you hit your second major shed?

Hey Bro,

I have had several sheds to be honest with you. In the beginning of my treatment, at around month 4-5 and month 8. Now keep in mind that its perfectly normal to lose anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs a day. I really think you will be OK since you have experienced that intial shed and now things are going well for you, but dont get discouraged if things get a little scary down the road.

Hope all is well!


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I'm really impatient to experience another MAJOR shed!

It's amazing to see such tangible evidence of the medication working.


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9 months here and no shed, just the same 100 hairs a day coming out everywhere. I have noticed that some of them are pretty thin, suggesting that some of my hairs are between the terminal and vellus states. The only problem is I don't know which way they're going.


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ShatnersRug said:
9 months here and no shed, just the same 100 hairs a day coming out everywhere. I have noticed that some of them are pretty thin, suggesting that some of my hairs are between the terminal and vellus states. The only problem is I don't know which way they're going.

Same situation here. going on 9 1/2 months.


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PartTimeNinja said:
ShatnersRug said:
9 months here and no shed, just the same 100 hairs a day coming out everywhere. I have noticed that some of them are pretty thin, suggesting that some of my hairs are between the terminal and vellus states. The only problem is I don't know which way they're going.

Same situation here. going on 9 1/2 months.

Are you using anything else? Just T-Gel for me. Oh well, I guess someone has to be in the bottom 17%.


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Am using Nizoral 2% 3 times a week. Well, I had some pretty heavy sheds that are indicating that I'm responding to the med - just not sure if I'm responding in a good way. Had any sheds at all yourself?


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I still seem to shed a little bit going into month 8, it died completely for about a week or two, then started back up at about half the level it was previously, but all I lose are really good healthy hairs, but they're about half the length of the rest of the hair on my head. They seem very coarse like the rest of my hair, but they're all shedding too early in the game. What the funk! I don't think I'll ever truly come out of this shed entirely, but at least it's slowed down! :p

To answer your question, just from reading many posts here, it seems that people go through several sheds throughout their regimen, many of them happening at the 6-10 month marks, so 8 seems reasonable.


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Deaner said:
To answer your question, just from reading many posts here, it seems that people go through several sheds throughout their regimen, many of them happening at the 6-10 month marks, so 8 seems reasonable.

Just a thought but I tend to wonder if a lot of these sheds aren't just the normal sheds that every head of hair gets once or twice a year but they're just noticed more, and perhaps helped along, by the treatments.


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what about on minoxidil? I've been on it since May and around week 2-4 I had a pretty big shed - but expected it as it always happens, and as hoped, a LOT grew back and my hair looked immense.

But since November it all started to fall out (I started in May so it's been about 5-6 months) and no signs of re-growth yet.

Is it a shed or was minoxidil just teasing me and making it all grow back in 2-3 months and for it to fall out a few months later?