Should I expect heavy shedding starting Spectral DNC???


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Hi guys.

Can anyone advise if switching to Spectral DNC causes shed? You know, all the time I was using foam I was shedding heavily and three months ago I questioned the value of the foam cosidering shed it gave me. So I decided to drop it. Two and a half months passed and heavy shed stopped. However, I can't say that I do not shed anymore - it's just a bit less than on foam. Recently I decided to give a chance to Spectral DNC hoping to regrow (at least partially) what I lost during year and a half on foam. And, as with all of us, I am terrified of the potential shedding that might start on Spectral. I am scared to lose what's left. However, doing nothing is a bad chioce, too.

Did anyone experience the same thing and could give me an advise?



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I believe everyone responds differently. Many people do shed when using minoxidil (i.e. rogaine / regaine / spectral DNC / kirkland etc). Some don't.

You will just have to go through this phase as it is horrible.

Some people when they stop using minoxidil - lose hair quickly and have the scarring effect. Meaning no more hair grows in that area, even when you restart minoxidil.

So the answer is. Just stick to a regime. Usually 8 months is enough. If no hair regrows or it does not maintain your hair - minoxidil is not working.


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TEDDYRUXPIN, thanks for your viewpoint. Actually, minoxidil was working for me some years ago, when I used liquid. It turned into a nightmare after switching to foam. As with many of us, I hated liquid because of the look it used to give me immediately after its application. Foam is much more superior in this respect. However, it does cause HUGE shed. That was the reason I quit.

What seems strange to me is that hair once lost after quitting minoxidil will never grow back after jumping back to it. What I have seen in the posts here, is that hair is growing back!!! Naturally, if you still respond to the product. Maybe, I should immediately get back on foam until my supply of Spectral DNC arrives in order to somehow stop further losing my hair left???