
Should I fight through these sides?


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I am a 26 yr old male, probably a nw2 but starting to noticeably thin up front so I'm well on my way to more hell. Anyways I recently got a prescription for 1mg finasteride (Dr. Reddy's I believe is the brand). I have read hours upon hours of information regarding this drug, the sides, the possible success etc. Anyways I began taking the 1mg dose every day for 3 days when I noticed that my genitals just felt odd, sort of like a numb feeling with a dull aching sensation. So i quit taking it and talked to a consultant at a local dermatologist who is renowned for hair loss surgery. She told me to drop the dose and see if that helps but to stick with it for at least a month. I took .5/mg every day for 3 days and noticed the same sides popping up again but this time I noticed a loss of sensitivity in my penis. I again quit taking it and the sides went away. However, I again talked myself back into taking it and decided to do .25mg/ every day. Did this for 4 days and same sides, loss of sensation in my penis and noticed some watery ejaculate. The loss of sensation in my penis is what really worries me, I could get hard no problem it just felt somewhat numb which is scary ****, although I was able to have sex with a girl for hours because I couldn't feel as much (probably thought I was a stud lol). I again quit taking it and it has been two weeks. This is killing me, the thought of losing my hair has consumed every aspect of my life, it's all I think about from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to sleep ( as you can see I am posting this at 11:50 p.m. haha). I decided to pop .5 mg today and while my genitals do feel a little odd I do have good sensation in my penis. I am thinking about taking .5mg/ eod and seeing how this goes for me. I could even go every 3rd day for a couple weeks and then every other day and work my way up? I am wondering if anyone else had these same sort of side effects and was able to overcome them with experimentation as I am? Can different brands of finasteride give you different sides? Is there any alternative? Or should I just run now before I become a statistic. I just feel like this is my last hope of stopping this and giving me my life back. It feels like a cruel joke when the one medicine that can help this curse can also make your dick not work... is this real life? I just need some advice. Am I jumping off the bandwagon too soon during these tests or am I right to quit so soon. I want to give it a good amount of time to work but I am just afraid of losing my dick. Any suggestions/advice/experiences/pep talks lol, will help. What would/did you guys do. Thanks -Matt


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Those sound like some scary sides. I don't think its worth risking your sex life unless you are getting spectacular results. Are you currently using minoxidil/nizoral? Because those are crucial to the equation. If you have money, you could opt for a hair transplant; and yes it sucks how limited we are in terms of hairloss treatments.


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Those sound like some scary sides. I don't think its worth risking your sex life unless you are getting spectacular results. Are you currently using minoxidil/nizoral? Because those are crucial to the equation. If you have money, you could opt for a hair transplant; and yes it sucks how limited we are in terms of hairloss treatments.

I agree with this, but also want to add that all the research we do can make us think we're having sides when we're not. I'm not saying you're not having sides, but all those horror stories you probably read MIGHT be influencing you some as well.

tommy e

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start low and build up slowly.

I start finasteride like 4 times, every time I got sexual sides at 1mg on the first day and quit.

This time I start 0.25mg EOD, I get some minor sides but I they went away in something like a month (Epilobium helps a lot, 3 days on it and the sides diminish a lot).
two month in I upper the dose to 0.5 EOD, everything ok, now (3 months in) I'm on 0.5mg everyday, and perfectly fine.

If you read online about finasteride you can get pretty paranoid about the sides, I'm glad I didn't quit this time.


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Dude this is the type of **** I'm scared of. I'm 25 and a diffuse thinner and it has been consummmmming me in the past few years. I almost wish I had the typical male pattern because I could at least gauge it better and not thin in the areas I still have hair. Anyways, I've been delaying the Propecia due to the possible side effects such as these. Not gonna lie though a numb dick kinda seems bad *** and beneficial in terms of pleasing a girl. Once I start smacking dat *** I just wanna BLOW LIKE A DAMN CHIMNEY. If I were to start the propecia I would go the route Tommy e is doing, rather, take 0.25 mg every third day. I know people say it makes no difference between 0.2 and 5 mg but in my opinion they are full of dog poo. I consider this chart when I think of this. It clearly makes a difference in DHT inhibition regarding your dose. Sure, technically it won't be as a effective, but I believe (like most things in life) a healthy balance is required. I want to cut my DHT down to a reasonable give take. I don't want to just slaughter my sex drive. :firing:

On top of this, has anyone here on Propecia tried taking natural anti-estrogens to counter the side effects?


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I would agree with this. I started taking finasteride (1 mg) about 4 months ago. I got the initial sex drive boost as my body tried to counter the effects of DHT reduction by increasing T levels. Then I returned to normal and everything seemed fine, although I was shedding alot, but I knew this was a positive sign of the drug working. However at about month three, (around the same time as learning that there were sexual sides to finasteride) I noticed shooting pains in my penis, lower libido and softer erections. It was weird like my recent discovery and the sides I was experiencing were too close for coincidence.

The sides didn't go away and as much as I told myself it was all in my head they still persisted. By around 15 weeks I decided to reduce the dose, not stop but reduce. My intention at this point was to stop fully but my reckoning (which maybe completely wrong) was that going cold turkey could have negative effects. Kinda like when someone's addicted to a drug and they stop, they have withdrawal symptoms because there body is trying to balance all the chemicals that have been thrown out of wack for so long. I had heard of prolonged sides following people stopping the drug and figured maybe some people body's dont reset correctly due to this reaction from a sudden change so thought a softer approach maybe better.

I reduced first to 0.5 for two weeks then 0.25 for a week. Ive been off completely for about five days now. All pains have gone, the only thing is that my erect penis feels smaller flasid it actually hangs bigger! Not sure if it actually is or if its all in my mind, I keep thinking the pain could have been tissue dying or something but I think that would have other implications, it may just be the erections are still not quite as full as they were before.

Anyway juat thought id give my experience dude. The bottom line is this, any side effects you experience may cause some damage, no one knows if it will or won't, but anything lasting more than afew days should be treated as a potential threat to your health. Start on 0.25 if these side persists I would stop (as I did) you may go balled, **** due to all my shedding im balder then when I started (just hope some comes back, im not too hopeful). If you stop, use topical treatment and take care of your hair. Don't stress about hair loss (it will make it worse) and be proud of who you are, if you are confident girls will like you if you are balled, have hair, skinny, buffy as ****!! Trust me I have seen it!! You may struggle abit more if you suffer from impotence. So in my mind it'sonot worth the risk, hair and a usless dick or balled and a boner you could play baseball with, come on use you noggin (balled as it maybe!!) There is only one winner!!!!