I am a 26 yr old male, probably a nw2 but starting to noticeably thin up front so I'm well on my way to more hell. Anyways I recently got a prescription for 1mg finasteride (Dr. Reddy's I believe is the brand). I have read hours upon hours of information regarding this drug, the sides, the possible success etc. Anyways I began taking the 1mg dose every day for 3 days when I noticed that my genitals just felt odd, sort of like a numb feeling with a dull aching sensation. So i quit taking it and talked to a consultant at a local dermatologist who is renowned for hair loss surgery. She told me to drop the dose and see if that helps but to stick with it for at least a month. I took .5/mg every day for 3 days and noticed the same sides popping up again but this time I noticed a loss of sensitivity in my penis. I again quit taking it and the sides went away. However, I again talked myself back into taking it and decided to do .25mg/ every day. Did this for 4 days and same sides, loss of sensation in my penis and noticed some watery ejaculate. The loss of sensation in my penis is what really worries me, I could get hard no problem it just felt somewhat numb which is scary ****, although I was able to have sex with a girl for hours because I couldn't feel as much (probably thought I was a stud lol). I again quit taking it and it has been two weeks. This is killing me, the thought of losing my hair has consumed every aspect of my life, it's all I think about from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to sleep ( as you can see I am posting this at 11:50 p.m. haha). I decided to pop .5 mg today and while my genitals do feel a little odd I do have good sensation in my penis. I am thinking about taking .5mg/ eod and seeing how this goes for me. I could even go every 3rd day for a couple weeks and then every other day and work my way up? I am wondering if anyone else had these same sort of side effects and was able to overcome them with experimentation as I am? Can different brands of finasteride give you different sides? Is there any alternative? Or should I just run now before I become a statistic. I just feel like this is my last hope of stopping this and giving me my life back. It feels like a cruel joke when the one medicine that can help this curse can also make your dick not work... is this real life? I just need some advice. Am I jumping off the bandwagon too soon during these tests or am I right to quit so soon. I want to give it a good amount of time to work but I am just afraid of losing my dick. Any suggestions/advice/experiences/pep talks lol, will help. What would/did you guys do. Thanks -Matt