Should I gave up Rogaine?


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I´m 24 now. I´m loosing my hair since I was 15 years old. I have been lucky so far, because most of my hair is still there, only temples are the sign for it til now.

I started with Regaine 2 or 3 years ago without any real effect, than I asked my Doctor about my hair issue. He said Rogaine should keep my hair...

So I´m using Rogaine for 7 months now, but with the same effect that Regaine had on temples are growing larger

Am I doing something wrong? Should I stop it? Perhaps I use not enough of it, but I do it like in the prescription.

Any suggestions?


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You can't quit rogaine... it's not just a product, it's your identity!

But seriously. If it hasn't worked for 7 months it may not work for you. The box says if you don't see results in four months don't bother continuing. minoxidil could still work though if you create a better environment for it on your scalp. If you're having any kind of itch on your head, that could be affecting your situation negatively. Get some nizoral or t-gel. If you want to take the next step, get a dht-inhibitor like finasteride or spironolactone. The minoxidil will work better if your scalp is low dht.

Good Luck.


Established Member
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so you haven't sprouted any baby hairs? Then yes.. I agree with the above - min might not be for you.


Experienced Member
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If rogaine is not working for you than you should stop using it but not cold turkey it. You should give yourself smaller dose of it until you stop using it all together. You may want to do 3 months of give your self smaller and smaller dose until your only using it once every 5 days than stop.


ACT10Npack said:
If rogaine is not working for you than you should stop using it but not cold turkey it. You should give yourself smaller dose of it until you stop using it all together. You may want to do 3 months of give your self smaller and smaller dose until your only using it once every 5 days than stop.

If minoxidil has not worked and you have no additional hair from it's use, then none of the hair on your head is dependant on minoxidil, so could he just stop without fear of a shed an not go through this 3 month 'winding down' procedure ??
