Should I get a hair transplant in the future?

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Hi everybody, I'm 18 years old and fearing I'm seeing the first signs of baldness, with some hairline recession, and the ticklish sensation I have seen others describe.

I'm considering starting on the big 3, but if they don't work, I'm very worried I'd lose my hair.

My question is: if I end up losing more hair, is there any "partial" hair transplant that could hide that? And then if I lose more hair (e.g. on the vertex), I get a second "partial" hair transplant in that area, and so on and so forth.

Or are hair transplants only for completely bald men?

I can't stand the idea of going around half-bald and having to wait to go completely bald before I get a transplant!

Thanks for your help.


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It sounds like you would like to fill in as it falls out which I don't think is a good strategy. Hair transplants are very expensive and unless you're rich, it's not something you want to be doing every year for a touch up. Unfortunately, you do have to suffer through some baldness before considering a transplant. If you can't stand the idea of going around half-bald. Imagine the idea of going around, half-bald, with an un-natural looking patch of hair standing out somewhere on your head like an island, with balding around it. With no option of shaving your head because you have scars. That will be much worse than just looking like any other normal guy who happens to be balding. If you're 18, you're much too young to even be thinking about transplants. Wait until you are at least 25 and then go have some consultations with ethical doctors and listen to what they have to say. Don't let any doctor convince you that you need a transplant when you're 19, 20, 21, etc.


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You could a pic if you want... But some hairline recession is totally normal, even with guys who don't have male pattern baldness.

However, if hair loss runs in your family, then maybe get an appointment with your family doctor or dermatologist, and ask them about getting on Propecia.