Should I Get Hair Transplant At 21?


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Hi i recently turned 21 and suffer from slight hairloss probably NW1-2. If it gets any worse it will be very noticeable. My question is, should i get a hair transplant at my age? I have a good job and the finance to pay for it but i hear alot of negativty upon it at my age.

I could honestly careless for when i am 30 and have settled down with a family but i feel that my time to shine is now while i am still handsome. My hairloss hasnt advanced much since i was 17, it has but very slowly. If i was to get a FUE i would feel it would last me good 5 years before i could notice anything going wrong.


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Hi i recently turned 21 and suffer from slight hairloss probably NW1-2. If it gets any worse it will be very noticeable. My question is, should i get a hair transplant at my age? I have a good job and the finance to pay for it but i hear alot of negativty upon it at my age.

I could honestly careless for when i am 30 and have settled down with a family but i feel that my time to shine is now while i am still handsome. My hairloss hasnt advanced much since i was 17, it has but very slowly. If i was to get a FUE i would feel it would last me good 5 years before i could notice anything going wrong.
Do you honestly think you will be a totally different person 11 years from now? How many relationships have you had that you know marriage is for you? Do you think 11 years from now, your looks will drastically change? Is your hair affecting your work?


My Regimen
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Hi i recently turned 21 and suffer from slight hairloss probably NW1-2. If it gets any worse it will be very noticeable. My question is, should i get a hair transplant at my age? I have a good job and the finance to pay for it but i hear alot of negativty upon it at my age.

I could honestly careless for when i am 30 and have settled down with a family but i feel that my time to shine is now while i am still handsome. My hairloss hasnt advanced much since i was 17, it has but very slowly. If i was to get a FUE i would feel it would last me good 5 years before i could notice anything going wrong.

Take it from me, this would destroy your life, no questions asked.

1) The ONLY place that would perform this for you would be a place like Bosley. They are unethical and will take your money and leave you in hell.

2) EXPECT to lose a LOT of your original hair after the transplant due to post surgery trauma and Telogen Effluvium. DON'T EXPECT it to grow back.

3) EXPECT to look incredibly unusual when you start to lose your hair after the transplant, and it leaves gaps. once again, take it from me.

4) The best part - expect years and years of complete emotional hell. To prepare for this, isolate yourself in your room, stay awake all night and consume foods that make your stomach bleed and puke. This will show you 1/10th of the emotional turmoil getting a transplant too early creates.

GOOD LUCK!! (I hear Bosley has 20% off the first 2,000 grafts and if you bring a friend in now, you can get a two for one deal)



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My Regimen
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Lol at thinking you'll be immune to the emotional devastation of hairloss after 30

I'd say if you're <NW2.5, especially given your age, get on medication for now and put the transplant idea on the backburner

Also, why are you so sure you're going to be settled down with a family by then? People's lives rarely go the way they envision them

NW2.5+ = you're noticeably balding, consider surgery barring massive regrowth from meds

NW2 and lower = .001% anyone will notice you have hairloss
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I remember last year when I was NW2, I went to a hair laser clinic. I told the lady I didn't care about a receding hairline and only cared about my crown. She told me my tone would change quick. I didn't believe her.

One year later, I am Norwood 2.5, border line 3, and my tone has changed. I hate my hairline. It's my biggest insecurity.

Moral of the story, you think you won't care at some point or age, and you always will when that time comes.
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