Should I get off of my current 'pills'?


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I won't mention the name of what I am taking but it includes Saw Palmetto. (the main ingredient) I don't even know if "Saw Palmetto" is a bad word around here but I need some advice from experts because I don't know if I should continue taking what I am taking.

I take about 1000mg per day, sometimes more. It's the default dosage that comes with this certain 'brand'. I've been on this stuff for about 5 months nonstop.
was also told it's basically junk and doesn't work.

The problem is I have seen stoppage of hair loss, or at least I think.

I have also noticed some other changes though which kind of worry me.

I find I'm more aggressive in personality, which is not good for me.

And building muscle more than usual, but I have no freakin clue why..

Nothing has affected me on the sex level and I do notice an increase in size when I have an erection, but again not sure.

But now that I think about it there have been changes in my personality. I already naturally have more testosterone than the average guy and having weird days now with mood swings, extreme interest in sex one day... next day none, anxiety, the urge to kick people's asses out of nowhere, this doesn't feel like "me".

I really want to know if the positive changes in my hair can be a fluke, or maybe I got lucky, or what. And if I should quit taking these things. I feel like a slave to them anyways.


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how odd!

To be honest I really hope you're right on this man, because I'd quite like to read a saw palmetto success story, even if it's caused the negatives you describe. I forget how sp is supposed to work - I think it just blocks androgen receptors and mops up cholesterol (which can convert to DHT).

It's up to you whether you want to keep taking it, as yes it sounds like your free T is being increased somehow o_O You could try drinking pomegranate juice daily or taking flax or HMR lignans daily to see if it helps to curb the testosterone levels, or cleansing your liver with choline/malic acid/vit c and seeing if that helps with hormone balance.

Alternative direct treatments are finasteride, nizoral, Eucapil, spironolactone, minoxidil, etc.

Good luck :)


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Yeah, I decided I am stopping the whole thing.

This last two weeks has been weird for me. It was like I was in some mental fog with an extra dose of rage, feeling like I was gonna snap and kick everyone's ***. I could literally feel something was thrown off in my chemistry.

And now that I took photos of my hair, I can say at best it STOPPED my hair loss progression, and I'm not even sure about THAT.

Overall, I do now think it's been a big waste. I can't really even PROVE that it's has an added effect. Basically now I just think it gave me bigger erections and doses of animal sex drive some days, with other days being ZERO drive.

Too wonky for me....

I just ordered some topicals for now. I have no idea if any of my hair can be salvaged.

We'll see.


Senior Member
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ah ok. Yeah some topicals are great - what did you order?