Should I get the transplant (26 years old)?


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I'm 26 years old and want to get my hairline fixed. Of course I'd like to go ultra-conservative, and get a mature hairline but one which allows me to style it properly again. This way if I have future hair loss, I'd still have enough grafts to play with. I'm thinking something around 1500 grafts maybe?

I've been monitoring my hairline for about 2 years now, the pic with me in the dark green shirt is about 2 years ago... It basically hasn't moved a bit. It basically hasn't moved a bit. Also, my brother who is about 4 years older has the exact same hairline I do. Only he isn't on any meds whatsoever.

In terms of medication I've been on finasteride for about 1.5 years, no side effects to report. I was on minoxidil a year, but quit that 5 months ago since it wasn't giving me any results... In hindsight I shouldn't have done that, I should have stuck on at least once a day, that way I would've had another layer of protection from future loss. I also think my hairline has become just a little bit thinner after stopping it, but that's normal I guess? I read this will rebound back to baseline after a few months. I want to get back on minoxidil after the transplant, once a day to boost the new hair and to add another layer of protection for future loss.

The thing that's bothering me to go forward with this transplant is future loss. Is it possible, that I will start losing hair behind the transplanted hair, while on finasteride and minoxidil? What do you guys think? What if I get on dutasteride the moment I notice new loss?


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Senior Member
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It sounds like youre holding your ground for the most part. The finasteride. is probably working. You need not rush into an hair transplant just yet. Continue doing your homework and monitoring your progress. Best Wishes!


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I agree with ID Walker on his one. I think your hairline looks marginally better now than 2 years ago. I would get back on the minoxidil once a day if I were you; I have used it for 13 years and it has maintained my hair in more or less the same condition as yours. hair transplant should be your last resort in my view, you still have plenty of options to pursue before going down that route.


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hi scaramanga,

are u only using mintoxidil and is it enough to save hair


Established Member
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I disagree. If you can afford it, get the transplant. Get a fue not a fut. Enjoy a good hairline while you are still young, not a hell of a lot of a point to wait till you are the age where a not so bad hairline as yours is normal already.


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Enjoy a good hairline while you are still young, not a hell of a lot of a point to wait till you are the age where a not so bad hairline as yours is normal already.



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Completely agree with Agahi. I recently had FUE and I wish I had done it earlier. You won't probably need many grafts to cover your hairline and many will be left for later. I was told I still have lots of grafts left, if I should need them later. I am not that young, so maybe a mini hair transplant in a couple of years. Aftr hair transplant, I also received two sessions of ozone. It was included in the package so you can ask for it as it helps strengthen the newly transplanted hair. Choose a good surgeon and go for it.