Should I Get Transplant Or No ? Let Me Know


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I live in estonia and thinking about going to riga for hair transplant.

Im only 19y old and my hair looks bad.
Doctor said it would be 2day procedure and up to 4000 grafts for temple and top

It affects my life alot and i want to get results for sure. Started using minoxidil 1 week ago but hair transplant would be best imo

The picture hair are wet. It looks a bit better when not wet and i have really nice and thick hair in the back


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You are way too young and your hair loss is far too aggressive to get one now. You need to do some research for the next few years before you even consider one. Hopefully, the "white polar bear" can give you some advice since his situation was similar.


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You are way too young and your hair loss is far too aggressive to get one now. You need to do some research for the next few years before you even consider one. Hopefully, the "white polar bear" can give you some advice since his situation was similar.
But if I am going bald anyways i can start from younger age.
Its better to get 3500 grafts which will cover those parts and in the future, from years later if i have to do again for the hairs that will fall off eventually anyway then i have less amount to do?


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Yeah, I'm always confused by the "you're too young" rule. It only makes sense for someone with a tiny bit of recession or something and wants to fill in their temples. We can already see you have significant loss and your pattern is showing. So it doesn't really matter how young you are. Not in my opinion anyway.


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agree there's not much point in wasting anymore of your youth with that level of baldness

get a hair transplant now if you want, but be aware that you are destined to be slick bald - use whatever donor hair you have with this in mind. be very conservative with those grafts (no thick, low hairline)


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I live in estonia and thinking about going to riga for hair transplant.

Im only 19y old and my hair looks bad.
Doctor said it would be 2day procedure and up to 4000 grafts for temple and top

It affects my life alot and i want to get results for sure. Started using minoxidil 1 week ago but hair transplant would be best imo

The picture hair are wet. It looks a bit better when not wet and i have really nice and thick hair in the back

Get on finasteride or dutasteride asap. Give it a year. As your loss is somewhat recent you may fill in a lot of your thinning areas and not need as many grafts..


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Agree about not waiting. You're going to be bald be bald eventually anyway, may as well get your front done now, have a full head of hair for a bit in your youth. Worse case scenario, your crown goes bald and your left with a transplanted frontal section. Some people naturally bald from their crowns anyway.


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Hate to be the bearer of bad news but most surgeons are going to turn you away.

Weak, and diffused donor.

Extremely aggressive hair loss on top, and given your age...

I dont think your donor could handle 4000 FUE grafts without looking like a rectangle, and having the moth eaten look afterwards.

@WhitePolarBear would have a better idea on an extreme case such as yours. His doctor handled something similar, and was very conservative and careful towards graft distribution. He can give you a better idea that these qwack patient advisers looking at a couple pictures and quoting 4000 grafts.

I would think the most optimal approach for maximizing graft selection, and distribution in your case would be having a fut procedure. Whatever your scalp laxity can handle. After wards the remaining grafts would be taken through FUE. IN your case FUE would be an alternative, because your hair loss is agressive that i dont think FUE alone can do the trick.

if you were to go to a North American surgeon, they would recommend FUT before FUE. Anyone who says differently doesn't know what they are talking about.

Could always go to Turkey though, they will take anyone.

Ultimately though you will have to accept that if you did have restoration you would have to opt for a high hairline, and a receded look to maximize graft distribution.


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How can you see his donor? Or can you tell just from his native hair?


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How can you see his donor? Or can you tell just from his native hair?
Can someone what yell by his sides snd top hair characteristics.

Has very fine hair. Skinny calibre.

Retro on sides.

Most surgeons will turn him away given his hair situation and age. He's pretty much a NW5-6 slick with a few pubes on top

Not 100% but am positive.


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that's very sad situation, mate


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that's very sad situation, mate
Very sad.

will most likely need to wear a hair piece.

transplant in his situation is not a good choice. to much risk for little reward.

donor is thin


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Very sad.

will most likely need to wear a hair piece.

transplant in his situation is not a good choice. to much risk for little reward.

donor is thin

hair transplant on temple points and wig...