should i keep buzzing my head or get a hair transplant?


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just wondering if i could get some advice here. i am in a pretty advanced stage of hair loss. i am thinking about getting a hair transplant, i have been recommended 4500 grafts to cover all the front but leaving the crown as is. i will not have enough grafts to cover the crown so that part would be left out. i am attaching some pics of me with a buzzed haircut and just wondering if you guys think i should keep buzzing or go ahead with the transplant. thanks a lot in advance!


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thanks manutd! so are you saying 4500 grafts won't be enough to cover the front part even? can you please let me know waht scalp pigmentation is?


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exodus i wouldnt want to do that. i would prefer to just keep buzzing it as is over a system. what do you think?


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i would just keep it buzzed down once you've gotten to your level. just my opinion. i would do the same in that position


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Personally I would keep it buzzed down, nothing wrong with that and you don't have a funky head shape that makes it look alien-like. Scalp pigmentation is an alternative but I imagine would look quite extreme to people that know you plus you'd have to get a realistic hairline done with it, I've seen some 30+ people get scalp pigmentation done with sharp and straight hairlines of a 18 year old black guy o_o


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thanks guys! just wondering why people generally arent going for the hair transplant idea. is it because i would be bald anyways at the crown so whats the point? or is it because 4500 grafts on the front will still be kind of thin and wont look natural? thx


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keep it as it is and be happy with yourself.

transplants still rarely look great imo unless there is limited balding already and the person is willing to take finasteride forever.

In a way im envious of balding, not bald - I have hair but it is thin and messy - i wish it were just neat with no asymmetrical receded shadow if buzzed.