Should I up my minoxidil dosage??

Green Soap

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I've been using the one ml dose for the past seven months now.


I've been using it over the entirety of my head.

Now the front of my head is looking fantastic. This stuff really works.

However, my crown area is improving but at a much slower rate. I hate looking at the back of my head!

When it's dry, yeah, it looks fair enough and you can see that it's thin but covered.

I'm thinking about using a full ml on just the crown/vertex area from now on and a half a ml over the front area. 1.5 total.

I'll do it at night and still do just one ml in entirety as the morning application so I can still dry reasonably fast.


Also, I'm two months in now on finasteride. Does finasteride do well for the vertex area?

Strangely enough, for me, the hairline and top are improving enough for me to be happy. It's the back...the part that these products ADVERTISE to slow going...



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I have inquired about this question before and my opinion is as following. The optimal dosage according to the label is 1mg per application. Of course this is with the idea that you are only using minoxidil for the small crown are of the head. We all know that minoxidil works for the entire typical balding areas of the head just not as well as your work forward. Therefore I have concluded that 2mg per application is important to cover the entire balding area, if you are in fact, balding in the entire "horseshoe" area of the scalp, like myself. I used this dosage quite effectively over the last year and approximately 3-4 months ago, I have switched to 1 application per day as a maintenance measure and have been very happy so far, knock on wood. good luck, and understand that this is my opinion as someone in your situation and that others who are more informed in male pattern baldness may have other opinions.

Green Soap

Established Member
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So you used two ml for a period of a full year and have since used 2ml once a day?

I'm thinking that since 1 ml has been very effective for the front...maybe I'm just not getting enough on the back.

Looks like I'm going to have to step it up. Might have to get Dr. Lee's How much is that stuff?


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That is correct, I used 2ml per application, twice per day. I now use 2ml per application, once per day.