Showerhead filter 1 month UPDATE


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I'm thinking about trying one of these things to remove some of the chlorine from our water. I live in an apartment and most of the time I can smell chlorine coming from our water.
I imagine less chlorine would benefit hair, wouldn't it.
THe one I'm looking at is at the following link ... ntcode=sfc
I remember asking the girl who used to cut my hair "how come my hair always feels better after you guys wash it than it does when I do it at home". She told me they use a water softener.
I know this isn't a water softner but it couldn't hurt. Anyone else use one of these?



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cool....I think I'm gonna get it :D


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I read a review on the one I'm looking to purchase (picture)and it said the decrease in water pressure was minimal. We also have excellent water pressure so it shouldn't be a problem :)


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Excellent water pressure is a good thing. I bought mine at home depot and the water pressure drop was substantial, down to a mere trickle my boy. Think about what the water has to do? Hard to maintain pressure whithout a constant.


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Update- I remember I had average water pressure in my house and the power coming out of the filter sucked ***. I find it hard to believe that pressure can be maintained when run through such a device.

I do recall though the water that came through was very refreshing and clean.... What is the brand of that filter and where does one obtain it?


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The link is in my first post....Just bought it. It's supposed to be the best bang for the buck as far as cheap filters go. I'll give an honest review of it when I get it.
There's a 30 day money back guarantee too. So if it sucks we'll see just how good that is.

The price was just reduced a few bucks and they're giving free shipping now too.


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Update.....OK just got it.
Suprisingly the shower pressure was only reduced by maybe 20% .The stream of water is adjustable too. There's more than enough water and pressure coming out for a comfortable shower. So I'm happy about that.
Right away I noticed that I no longer smelled chlorine....Sweet :D . I'll update again in a week or two to see if there's any noticeable difference in my hair and skin.



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I noticed when I simply cleaned my shower head with CLR my skin and hair felt much better.


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yea i used to do that all the time...Foe me there's nothing more disgusting than a dirty discolored shower head and bathtub...ickk :x


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Update # 2

I've been showering with this filter for a month and I'm very happy with it. Skin is no longer dry and get this....The slight scalp itch I had is completely gone. I sh*t you not!.....Coincedence...sure maybe. Hair health may be a little better but nothing really noticeable.
Was it worth it...I'd say yes. If nothing else I'm no longer choking on the chlorine smell in the shower.


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Warrior101 said:
how long does the filter cost and last for??

The unit is $63.00 and comes with one filter. Then the filters have to be replaced every six months and they're $38.00