side effects of minoxidil?


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Hey guys,

I'm basically new to this site, but I have an urgent question.

I have been using rogaine (extra strength) for 8 years now...ever since I was 18. I know from genetics that I will have more than average body hair and thick facial hair (chin, cheeks, etc) from observations of my father, uncles, etc.

The problem is I have been noticing excessive hair growth, particularly within the past year. I got to thinking about it, and did a quick search on google for side effects of rogaine. I came upon a few accounts listing unusual side effects including excessive hair growth on body parts where rogaine is not directly applied!! Such regions include back, neck and more scary - very high up on cheekbone, just below the outside corners of the eyes.

The hard fact is I have been noticing hair growing in all these regions!! The hair around my eyes is very thin, and unnoticeable until very close inspection, however since hair growth thickens with age...except for on top of head :( ...I am quite concerned.

My question to you guys is: Has anybody else noticed this, especially w/t guys predisposed to having thick facial/body hair...italians, middle eastern, etc???

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Heck, I might even consider going off rogaine :eek:

I carefully apply rogaine to crown and temple regions only, taking care to ensure it does not run down my scalp. Thus I am expecting the excessive hair growth to be due to rogaine being absorbed into the bloodstream, and transported to other body regions...