Side effects, Round 2?


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I've been generic Proscar for 3 months now. From the second week to maybe the fifth, I felt the sexual side effects--softer you-know-what, decreased libido. Then they completely went away.

But now, in the last week or so, I feel as if they've come back. It is much harder to get it up than usual, and I'm just now noticing that I can no longer get hard merely through "the power of thought" :D

Has this happened to anyone else? I'm a little worried now.

Hair-wise---no change, of course. It's only been three months. Fallout is the same, cosmetics are the same. (At least I hope they are. It's been mostly my crown I've been watching, but now I'm paranoid about the hairline. I'm a mature Norwood 2, and I have no idea if it has moved or if it's going to move)


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i have the same exact thing as far as them going away after 6 weeks go.....i friggin hope they dont come back


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6 weeks for you...
If I don't lose them I'll have had them cumulativelyfor six weeks.

Seriously, has this happened to anybody here and did the sides ever then leave for good?


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I had experinenced similar thing lost of libido first few weeks but then slow it came back I would not say 100% but at least 80% (libido). Now I am on my 4th month things getting pretty normal to me... I would say 90% of what it used to be.. but still no problem maintaining an erection.
I think eventually things would get back to normal. maybe each of us react differently...I would think your libido would get back to normal state. prehaps you need more rest... :)



I had a small problem during the first week or so of finasteride. But since then I have no problem, plus they are always rock hard as well.


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Is increased libido a side effect?

I started treatment 1.5 months ago, and I feel like I've been popping viagras instead. Even after I "deal" with it, it goes right back up in a matter of seconds. I have to try hard to not to concentrate of anything female related if I want to wear my pants comfortably. It's unfortunate that I don't have a gf, so that at least someone would be benefitting from my hairloss.. lol

I bought generic proscar (fincar) so I want to make sure I didn't get sent the wrong thing. I had the initial shed, which started a few days after treatment, and lasted for about a month. It has subsided now, but not after making me much more noitceably bald. :( Hopefully, it will grow back though.