I just don't believe in immediate side effects from DHT reduction. Maybe some tissues respond faster than others, but I bet most change about as slowly as body hair and head hair respond to DHT. I think sebum glands respond fast though, so I guess any speed is possible.
Anyway, I think taking Avodart for a cosmetic problem is dumb. It inhibits both kinds of 5 alpha reductase, and does so powerfully. We have DHT for a reason. I really think all you avodart people should swtich to an internal propecia/ external spironolactone shampoo combo. You'd get similar power, with safer results.
Anyway, I think taking Avodart for a cosmetic problem is dumb. It inhibits both kinds of 5 alpha reductase, and does so powerfully. We have DHT for a reason. I really think all you avodart people should swtich to an internal propecia/ external spironolactone shampoo combo. You'd get similar power, with safer results.