side from finasteride



hello people.
i took propecia about 2 month but half pill every 2 days.
after month and half i took one pill of 1mg and i started to fill strange (maybe it was just in my head) and i returned to half pill 2 times more.
and i sense that my erection not very strong andless libido. and i stopped with the finasteride.
now i after a month from the last time i take propecia and the side affects still there.
i did blood test
fsh 2.6
lh 4.3
tostesteron total 18.6
my doctor said the blood test is ok.
why the side still there after a month? there is a chance that its all in my head? because i am very very afraid all the day.
what can i do? even lavitra did not work.
how long i will wait until the side is gone?
thank you very much


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Jonson, do yourself a favor and stop trying to find other reasons for your sexual problems. You took a very powerful anti androgen that is well known to cause erectile dysfunction.

Experiencing side effects past 1 month after quitting is obviously not very good but there is still a chance that your body will recovery naturally. There isn't really anything you can do apart from persisting with the doctors.

Below is a forum dedicated to men with persistent side effects even after quitting the drug. I highly recommend you take some time to view the website if you are concerned about persistent side effects. You are not alone!

Below are some videos that cover the issue of persistent side effects

I am not posting this stuff to scare you, only to show you that severe and persistent side effects are very real and it's NOT in your head. You are only 1 month off the drug and you are quite lucky to ONLY be experiencing erection problems - there is every chance you will recover so try to stay clam.

I personally have been off the drug for almost two years and i am completely impotent amongst other things.

Merck are currently involved in a number of lawsuits because of the sexual decimation they have caused so many men. Check the website - it is down and has been replaced with a link to report side effects to the FDA.

They killed 60,000 people with there drug 'Vioxx' and got away with it and now you are seeing them perform damage control so that they can get away with ruining thousands of lives AGAIN ... ds-deaths/


How i will know if the side get better? Because during the night i have an erections but when i think on it , i dont have.
Because this reason i think it all in my head.
How i will know if it get better?