Sides a month and 1/2 in: on Propecia


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hey guys- need some advice here

So I've been on Propecia for about a month and a half now. haven't noticed and results really but my hair loss isn't to bad at the moment anyway. When I first started Propecia I was ecstatic that I wasn't experiencing any side effects at all. a month and a half in, the last few days I have felt that my erection has been at about 80% and then this morning I was about to have sex and couldnt hold an erection. It was extremely embarassing, I didnt expect it at all. I'm pretty distraught over this and had a couple questions. if anybody could answer them, that would be great

-has anyone here experienced a side effect free start with propecia, then later get some sides?

-I have read that sometimes the sides last for only a little bit and may go away. is that true?

-does age ever factor in to sides? im 24

-I went to a scary website ( which was probably a bad idea and it stated that some men have experienced permanent side effects even after stopping propecia. is there truth to this?

-are there things that some of you do to counter act the effects of lower libido and weaker erections?

any input would be really appreciated. I just wanna lay in bed all day and be depressed :-( this sucks.

G k

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There is nothing you can do about sides, other than wait around for them to magically disappear. I got sides after 5 months, and tried dealing with them about 1 year. They only get worse man. You start to forget who you used to be. This drug is crap and it was literally tested as a drug to castrate men and make them androgynous.

The pharmaceutical industry is largely there to f*** up humanity and make money while doing it. Continue taking the drug, but I will tell you now almost everyone I know who has used this drug suffered the exact same side effects(about every single side one stated on propeciahelp).

I know some people have no sides on this crud, but either:

a) they have not noticed them because the drug actually numbs your mind to sensation and makes you obsessed over your appearance(you care about nothing else and look in the mirror every chance you get)

b) The sides have yet to kick in(it can take years)

c) Somehow they are lucky and will get no sides from the drug.


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You need an aromatase inhibitor. Use 50 - 100 mg zinc every day, for a couple of weeks, and see if it gets better. Report the result in this thread.


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G k said:
a) they have not noticed them because the drug actually numbs your mind to sensation and makes you obsessed over your appearance(you care about nothing else and look in the mirror every chance you get)

b) The sides have yet to kick in(it can take years)

c) Somehow they are lucky and will get no sides from the drug.

You Forgot

d) They are in the 95% that don't experience sides.


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No side effects at all.

20% reduction in erection? LOL. Unable to keep it up.

Ok.... one thing you need to do. Is get your mind out of the side effects. Worrying = stress and hence, the above. Pointless thinking about it.

You get on propecia to get off the stress of balding. Then you think of something else to stess about?

You are going through a period of stress. So this is the problem. Not the drug!

Had it before. If you really think that there is something wrong..... try having sex in the afternoon in the weekend. You will find your erection harder than the night time.

Anyway, stop stressing.

If you are really, really worried... Quick experiment.......

Go and get your girlfriend some really sexy lingerie and get her a sex toy...

Have a dirty night in. I bet you, your erection will be back to 100%!

G k

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you know whats happening to your body, you make the choice. I know what its like.


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Either ride it out, or go down to 0.5 mg of finasteride. I experienced the same problem when I first started propecia. I used 0.5 mg for years with little side effects and it maintained my hair well. I even went down to 0.25 mg and was holding on pretty well.


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If you're suffering sides that early, then really you need to get off finasteride altogether and replace it with a combination of other treatments.

The sides may lessen in the future, but it's very unlikely they'll dissappear completely... unless you get off finasteride, so quit NOW before you continue to do more damage to your system.

Erectile dysfunction is a serious life-changing problem and the amount of trouble some finasteride users go to in an unsuccessful attempt to correct this condition (drugs, Testosterone injections etc) is really not worth it just for a few extra years of hair....

Besides as I stated there are plenty of other treatments out their, that when combined, can help you maintain your hair for a number of years WITHOUT any sexual side effects.


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Primo said:
Erectile dysfunction is a serious life-changing problem and the amount of trouble some finasteride users go to in an unsuccessful attempt to correct this condition (drugs, Testosterone injections etc) is really not worth it just for a few extra years of hair....

Besides as I stated there are plenty of other treatments out their, that when combined, can help you maintain your hair for a number of years WITHOUT any sexual side effects.
Unfortunately, finasteride is essential when it comes to combating androgenic alopecia. I'm not saying that it's not possible to slow the process considerably with other drugs like minoxidil, but finasteride is currently the best we got. With that said, finasteride is a dangerous drug. Erectile dysfunction is only a part of the problem. There are a lot of other severe problems associated with the complex finasteride is able to create. Trading no further progress in hair loss for hypogonadism and everything that comes with it, is certainly not worth it. On the other hand, if you're able to regrow hair to the point where you feel comfortable, and being able to preserve what you got untill something better comes along, by using an aromatase inhibitor to avoid side effects from finasteride, it's worth it, no f*****g doubt. There wouldn't be progress in anything which poses a risk, if some men weren't willing to take the risk.


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attawnnc said:
-I have read that sometimes the sides last for only a little bit and may go away. is that true?

-are there things that some of you do to counter act the effects of lower libido and weaker erections?

any input would be really appreciated. I just wanna lay in bed all day and be depressed :-( this sucks.

my friend, for lot of people, i heard, there were no side.

but when u r goning to be a side affected, be cautious

finasteride is a sneaky drug, in my case i didn't notice any strong sides until i stopped.

think deeply about continuing fina use