Sides are here - 1.5 years in


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30 years old. I've been taking finasteride for 1.5 years and have had good results. My hair started thinning years back, but I have thick hair and it is still in very good shape. My hope with finasteride was to keep it where it was or improve it a bit.

My doctor gave me proscar and actually told me to go ahead and take the 5mg tablet a day! I didn't. I took 1/4 for a while, but got lazy because I was getting 90 day supplies every 3 months, so I started taking 1/2 tablet. Considering one bottle could last me a year, I was wasting medicine. I wanted to keep getting the refills so my Doctor wouldn't worry about me only getting a 3 month supply each year, plus my insurance is great so the cost is low anyway.

Anyway, about a month back I decide (for no reason) to go back to 1/4 (1.25 mg) and keep it consistent. Unfortunately, at about the same time some serious side effects started to kick in. When I first took finasteride, my sex drive went down a bit but it was still completely managable. I could have sex 3-5 times a week without issue. I've been dating a girl for several months now and we've had great sex. We just recently moved in and I could literally no longer get an erection. Part of it was me being sick, because that does happen to me, but I've been better for a few weeks and still cannot.

I broke down and told my girl about the finasteride, since she was starting to think it was her. She's concerned, but I'm adamant about staying on it. I did tell her I'd find ways to improve my erection if the problem continued.

So, 3 days ago I started cutting my proscar into 1/8. Unfortunately when I cut into 1/4 and then try to cut the individual pieces again, I can never cut evenly (with a pill cutter). I ended up with 60-70% and 30-40% pieces. I've been throwing away the smaller pieces. I figure I'm taking under 1mg now by doing this.

My question for you guys is: How long before I start seeing some results? I tried today and was able to get an erection, albeit a bit soft, but it did the job. Sadly my lady is away.

It sucks this happens 1.5 years in. I do feel finasteride is helping me and that my hair has actually improved. My women was competely shocked that I thought I had thinning hair, but I told her that I do but it was more of a preventative treatment at this point.


Well, there are ways for handling erection problems. Did you ever try L-Arginine? There is also the good old v****. I wouldn´t risk your hair just for some (temporary?) sexual problems. Good Luck to you!


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2.5mg a day for a long period sounds like a lot to me. i really hope things get better for you soon but you might have to be patient. Your body will probably need time to readjust.

I'd pick a sensible amount based on how important hair / hardness is for you and as long as you average that amount over time I don't think little variations here and there should be much of a problem.

I've chopped the pills into 8ths for over a year and yeah, some bits were definitely larger than others but it all seems reasonably ok. I had a recent go at 16ths and that's probably too ambitious.

If you can get it cheap and are more concerned about accuracy than cost then switch to propecia. Much easier to chop up.


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Thanks guys. Propecia I could not get cheap because my insurance would not cover it, so proscar it is.