Sides kicking in


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I've been on finasteride for 25 days now, and the side effects just kicked in three days ago.

What are they, specifically? Well, let's just say I no longer have to spend some parts of the day "walking funny". And unfortunately, the situation can no longer be remedied merely through the (ahem) "power of thought". :D

You know, deep down, I really didn't think it would happen to me. Just seemed so...I dunno...remote. Now I'm super-paranoid about gyno. It really is scary, knowing you're messing with your body like this.

For about three days last week, my libido suddenly skyrocketed. Now it has come not exactly crashing down, but I am really feeling this. (Or not feeling it, actually.) I just hope it balances itself out. Of course, there's something else I'm hoping for even more...

BTW, has anyone ever heard of finasteride causing someone to get cramps all over their body? I've had two in my sides and one on both shins all day. I sometimes get cramps anyway, and I know this is probably finasteride-paranoia, but I just want to make sure.


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I'm coming up on two months now and I didn't have any body pain. However, I definitely had the libido thing happen exactly how you stated it. Don't worry, it passes.