Sides, not sure...


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I've been on finasteride for eight days. After the third day I thought I was having mild side effects, 'cuz I was having a little trouble, uh..."raising a racket". (ahem) :oops:

That seems to have subsided now, though it could easily come back. Can't even tell if the finasteride brought it on in the first place.

I'm still dreading the possibility of a dramatic shed. Not sure whether I should hope for one or not.


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i'm @ 11 days now, thought I was experiencing finasteride induced troubles with my rocket, went away, can't be sure if it was just my mind willing it on myself or what. Alot of finasteride's side effects are probably based on psychological rather than physiological problems; since we expect to have trouble getting it up, we do. You can't fake watery jizz though, and I've definitely had that...

No sheds so far, and I'm not really sure I'm gonna see one. I'm hoping not! I've been told to expect them, even this early on, but who knows. It's a tossup, we all react differently to it.


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I think my initial suspicions were unfounded, but this one isn't. I'm pretty certain I have the particular side effect that can be summed up by two words......

1. "water"
2. "ee"


(Hope this isn't TMI. Others have posted worse.)


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I have been on finasteride for about a month and have not noticed any sides, except maybe that I am peeing more. I started taking arginine after about a week or so and I have been horny as a rabbit since.


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<----------------------Got watery semen, lasted about 3 days.