Sides on fluridil and topical spironolactone


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Like the title says I'm getting sides from both of these topicals, itcy nips and no sex drive unlucky can I be :cry:


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As far as i understand not too many people visit this section of the forum. I'd like to offer advice but i know nothing about it.


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bit more info would help us help you mate.

what kind of spironolactone/how are you applying it/where/when etc?

the same for fluridil.

also it is my understanding that whatever fluridil breaks down into when it comes in contact with water can cause some problems... but that is hearsay not actual knowledge.


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Well with the spironolactone I was applying it to my WHOLE head. This is CEM's 5% solution (its real, not a scam) and I would use almost two capfuls to do this. I tested to see exactly how much this was and its a whopping 9 ml!!!
Hmmm, this may have attributed to side effects....MAY have. I've read practically EVERYWHERE that topical spironolactone does NOT induce side effects. Dr. Lee even goes so far as to saying that "topically spironolactone is NOT metabolized, even though it gets absorbed by the skin" Do you think it was the amount I used or the simple fact that topical spironolactone does induce sides in some people. Oh and by the way, it stopped my hair loss in about a week and half, it definitly works good for me.
With fluridil I was using two ampules instead of the usual one. It took about four days and I had horrible sides.
What do you guys think? Too much product or am I a freak?


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When CEM first announced that they had formulated at 5% spironolactone solution no one knew if it remained stable not. Dr. Lee has claimed that this not possible. I bought this from CEM in October of 2005. Never used it though until now.


spironolactone gave you no sex drive ?? damn might always use finasteride :roll: , When will there be a day of beautifull hair and a sex drive ... Its so bloody ironic that men use these drugs to gain hair so they can be more attractive to the opositte sex but it defeats the whole purpose when your dick stops working !!!! :evil:


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I'm pretty sure I got sides from spironolactone, but fluridil has been fine (after a false alarm... turned out to be residual effects after stopping finasteride).


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I used fluridil and on the fourth day I had MAJOR sides, felt like I was back on dutasteride. Horrible, just horrible, I couldn't believe it. Especially after the fact that this is what Fluridil bases some it's marketing on; the fact that there are no sides.