since you started having hairloss problems have you


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been more helpful to people loosing hair such as telling them about propecia ect... and not to fall for other products that claim they regrow hair

cause i have i swear i see my self talking to every bald person about it lol


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I did. Many people get annoyed I noticed their hair loss, even when it is obvious. They think I'm putting them down, or they are angry I am giving them unsolicited advice. And if they get any side effects, they will come back and try to rip your head off. Sad but true. My brother is the only person who took my advice and wanted to save his hair, but even he gets upset if I ever say he needs his hair. He wants to believe hair does not matter, and hear that from me, but also is willing to spend a lot of money on any possible cure I tell him about. And his is the best response I got from anyone. The rest were negative, or they said they don't care about it. If you have people skills and can get the word out without offending people, then keep it up. I'm not too good at it though.


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CCS said:
My brother is the only person who took my advice and wanted to save his hair, but even he gets upset if I ever say he needs his hair. He wants to believe hair does not matter.
And rightly so?

I'd love to live in the bliss of not having to worry about hair and to shave it all off... but I'm way too self-conscious.


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I did initially because I was obsessed with it...

I'm past the obsession stage, and I don't give a f*ck anymore. I apply minoxidil once a day, I take my supplements and that's about all I do. If the subject comes up, I'd tell them what I know, but I wouldn't intentionally bring the subject up.