Six weeks off finasteride stll got sides.


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Been off finasteride now for six weeks. Still have a floppy c***, hardly any sex drive and really small amounts of watery semen. I'm gutted.


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sh*t man that sucks...I'm starting to get slightly worried, no problems for the first 3 weeks (aside from watery semen) and then today I couldn't really keep it up..
How long were you on it for before you had problems?


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Just to play devil's advocate, but are you certain your symptoms are a result of Finasteride and not one of the many other possible causes (age, stress etc.)?


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No, but i don't think any of those could really account for such constant, long term low labido and ED. Not to mention the tiny amounts of watery semen. There's also nothing on my blood work that would indictate that, low colesterol, upper range of T. I'm also skinny, toned and eat a balanced diet. My Doctor thinks it's an interesting puzzle and suspects it's psychological. My psychologist thinks it's hormonal.


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I recommend you participate in the following to get the problem of post-finasteride persistent side effects more attention, so it can be investigated and hopefully cured:



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Yeah this stuff can happen man :(

I've got it a bit, sucks.

However, some people's apparently self-correct with time, and also a combo of some of the following should make a large difference:

Top Supplements:

-> Ecklonia cava Extract (Nutricology Fibroboost)

-> Vitamin D (high dose)

-> Acetyl-l-carnitine

-> Pycnogenol

- – -


-> L-Optizinc

-> L-Arginine

-> Calcium Fructoborate (6 mg of elemental boron, Fruitex-b), to return hormonal homeostasis

-> Vitamin C (high dose)

-> Alpha Lipoic Acid

-> A source of organic nutrients such as brewer’s yeast

The reason being that I believe inhibiting 5ar type 2 decreases nitric oxide and weakens penile strength in general. The main top supplements there reinforce the production of nitric oxide, and also help with sex drive, etc.

(there can also be a persistent hormonal imbalance I believe, which it may be helpful to correct - you can get a blood test to determine this)

Give it a bit longer and if still nothing, give the top 4 a go :)


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I don't qualify for that survey. I dont' fancy f*****g around anymore with my body at the moment I'm just going to let it be and hope my c*** comes back on line.


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bboy said:
I don't qualify for that survey. I dont' fancy f****ing around anymore with my body at the moment I'm just going to let it be and hope my c*** comes back on line.

Yeah totally I know what you mean :)

I'm not going to be using that stuff either yet, I'm gonna give my body more time to feel right by itself. It's good to know there are other possibilities though I think.


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jesus, man i feel really bad for you. hit the gym hard or something, the boost in testosterone could help


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I feel for you man. I've been off the stuff for 6 weeks too and NONE of my sides have gone away, and some have worsened. I only took it for 2 weeks!

I've never been more scared in my life. This drug is dangerous and should not be on the market.


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4 months and still have a floppy c*** and low labido. It's all in my head dinja know? I'm depressed about having a floppy c*** and that's giving me a floppy c***. It all started when my c*** went floppy. That's what the doctor says. He says it's all in my head. No need to check my androgen levels my total T is fine and psychologist says it's ok because it's not in my head but if my doctors say it is then he's not wrong but she can't say that he's right either. No one knows what and why but it's ok becasue it will probably get better but we don't know why becasuse we don't know what's wrong but that's ok becasue nothing is really wrong it's all in my head anyway it's ok becasue if my penis never works again it's ok becasue it's all in my head anyway although the psychologist sees no point in continuing session becasuse she does't think it's all in my head but it's ok because the doctor says it is. Anyway we don't have the time to waste on you you pathetic whining floppy cocked idiot can't you just go away? we can't test for DHT there's no such thing this isn't an urgent matter it probaly is the finasteride but it's ok because it's all in your head why are smiling this is serious matter?


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Good luck man,i feel your pain,i'm gonna stop the drug soon and i will maybe experience the side effects.
You've took finasteride for a long period,maybe your body needs a little more time to get back to normal.
I really hope you'll be fine,this dug is poison,we were playing russian roulette with our bodies this f*****g company should go down for this.


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bboy said:
4 months and still have a floppy c*** and low labido. It's all in my head dinja know? I'm depressed about having a floppy c*** and that's giving me a floppy c***. It all started when my c*** went floppy. That's what the doctor says. He says it's all in my head. No need to check my androgen levels my total T is fine and psychologist says it's ok because it's not in my head but if my doctors say it is then he's not wrong but she can't say that he's right either. No one knows what and why but it's ok becasue it will probably get better but we don't know why becasuse we don't know what's wrong but that's ok becasue nothing is really wrong it's all in my head anyway it's ok becasue if my penis never works again it's ok becasue it's all in my head anyway although the psychologist sees no point in continuing session becasuse she does't think it's all in my head but it's ok because the doctor says it is. Anyway we don't have the time to waste on you you pathetic whining floppy cocked idiot can't you just go away? we can't test for DHT there's no such thing this isn't an urgent matter it probaly is the finasteride but it's ok because it's all in your head why are smiling this is serious matter?
Do you have morning erections? If not, your problem is physical. You don't know if your hormone levels are fine, before you have checked LH, FSH, testosterone, estrogen, prolactin and SHBG, and don't take their word for it. Get a copy of the numbers, ranges, and get some more opinions. You don't need to check the DHT level. Just wack off, and see if your semen is white. If it is, then it's good. If you have DHT deficiency, it'll be transparent.

You should use zinc in the meantime. It works as an aromatase inhibitor. Use 50 - 100 mg a day, and quit if your joints begin to crack. It indicates that the estrogen level is too low.