Yeah this stuff can happen man
I've got it a bit, sucks.
However, some people's apparently self-correct with time, and also a combo of some of the following should make a large difference:
Top Supplements:
-> Ecklonia cava Extract (Nutricology Fibroboost)
-> Vitamin D (high dose)
-> Acetyl-l-carnitine
-> Pycnogenol
- – -
-> L-Optizinc
-> L-Arginine
-> Calcium Fructoborate (6 mg of elemental boron, Fruitex-b), to return hormonal homeostasis
-> Vitamin C (high dose)
-> Alpha Lipoic Acid
-> A source of organic nutrients such as brewer’s yeast
The reason being that I believe inhibiting 5ar type 2 decreases nitric oxide and weakens penile strength in general. The main top supplements there reinforce the production of nitric oxide, and also help with sex drive, etc.
(there can also be a persistent hormonal imbalance I believe, which it may be helpful to correct - you can get a blood test to determine this)
Give it a bit longer and if still nothing, give the top 4 a go