Skull changing shape after surgery?


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I posted my story under the post "complications 2 years after surgery? I'm still having problems, pains all over my head, in the back of my head, some in my hairline, and on the top of my head. The doctor that did my surgery got in touch with me and said he thinks my pains in my head is from scar tissue and he thinks that monthly steroid injections will help the pain that I'm feeling, so I guess I'm going to give that a shot and hope it works.

My question is, is it possible for the actual skull to change shape after the surgery? I swear that mine has. I notice that my head has several lumps inside of it that I know was not there before, and some of them hurt when i touch them. i had a cat scan in april and nothing showed up, so i know it's nothing abnormal in it, so, is it possible that something from the surgery caused this? the doctor that did the surgery told me that this was skin surgery and that nothing really bad could happen from it. at the time he said this, i had yet to tell him about my concern of my skull changing shape, i didn't do that until last night when i emailed him about it, so i don't know what he's going to say about that yet. but have any of you experienced this and/or heard of it? is this even possible? i've done a lot of research the last few days trying to find any instance of this happening, but i haven't been able to find anything as of yet.


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Thanks a lot for your opinion, I know it probably sounds crazy and I might be grasping at straws here, but I just don't understand why at 2 yrs i seem to be getting worse, especially when my cat scan didn't find anything.

Does anyone else have any opinions?


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This is crazy theres no possible way that a hair transplant could change your skull.


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it may sound crazy but the only reason i noticed these bumps in my head and they became of concern to me is because they hurt when i touch them, and i said, nothing appeared in my cat scan. as i said in my previous post, complications 2 years after surgery, im having a lot of surface pains on my scalp..and the bumps/lumps in my head hurt. i've never noticed them before. it's possible they've been there and i've just never noticed them, so i wanted to rule out that a hair transplant can't change a skull and if it can't then i'll know i have always had these lumps in my head, but now i need to figure out why they are i said, my doctor that did my surgery thinks its scar tissue thats causing my pain, but if it is scar tissue, my scar is in the back of my head, why am i having pains in the top of my head and hairline? i asked him this but he hasnt replied to my email yet.
im just trying to figure out why these lumps in my head hurt