slowly approaching another personal crisis


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Learn to like yourself and then the girls will come.


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askas said:
Ok, heading my 26... no girl, no love no hair! Suicide seems as a relief and option, sweeter every next day. When I see those pairs in love, kissing, I just want to die. My life has no flavour, those prostitutes cannot subsitute what I need. Of course I can date an overweight girl, but I will never love her.
I remember there is a japanese writer who suffered all his life being ugly, and had no love. He finished hiw life approximately at 45 with seppuku. Mt life is so imcomparably small and empty with other's people lives, young, cheerful, enjoying. I just live in shade, dying further with everyday, losing my hope.
Those date services show exactly what small chances bald men have, especially those looking not above average. Maybe I'm just way too sensitive, but damnit, what is the purpose of our life? To suffer from being lonely till the end? Is it worth of it? All this, everyday work, pain leading to being old and ill.
Maybe if I die and reincarnate I will be an ant for example, but maybe being an ant is more rewarding? I will f*ck anpther ants and enjoy life?
One more thing to the hairloss I got some ringing in my ears which also leads many people to being suicidal, so I have now more reasons. Maybe I just have no place on this earth, maybe I just not meant to be living.

Sorry, just another bad day, I had to tell it to somebody, hope you understand, relate to my feelings. :(

Change "overweight girl" to bald man and you get a woman's point of view.


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Some women love bald guys, some women love fat guys, some women want neither.

It seems like askas needs some cognitive-related therapy. askas, for you own benefit, consult a social worker or a therapist. I promise you that you will be much, much happier in due time.


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theres somebody for everyone. what do you airbrushed front cover non existent supermodel? Whats wrong with the girl next door types? As far as balding..any pics?


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dude, bald or not, that´s not the deciding factor here. I´ve seen plenty of bald guys with HOOTTTTTTT women. They´ve held their head high, kept their bodies fit and cared about the way they dress; but it´s really all about confidence!! Your balding´s gonna get you down if you let it! I have a friend who is totally bald at age 25. he has like a light horseshoe going on, with sideburns, (he´s in no way rich) and he has been with one of the hottest girls I know of for 5 years going strong. And she even told me that she came on to him, and he was pretty much bald even back then. Read up on "The Game" or something by Neil Strauss. Unconfident, balding guy turns his life around and gets loads of girls. Forget about your hair man, improve yourself.

edit: mistype


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A lots of people think hanging out with girls is like buy beer at the supermarket. It happens to some guys not having one single girl interested.
People say "go out and meet girls". Go out where? Everytime i went out i was rejected and treated by other people like garbage. It happens everywhere i go out.
I hate it.

I gave up of finding girls. I'm sick people fisting on my dignity.


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Since you are such a loner and don't go out, read the book "The Game" by Neil Strauss. Then you'll tell yourself "f*** it" and go and grab broads. I play this game everytime I go out.


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Obsidian said:
Learn to like yourself and then the girls will come.

I keep repeating that sentence to everyone in this forum!!!

I'm not gonna lie to you, I'm not a super confident guy. I went through some sh*t in the last few years and I was very low. I've been trying to sort my life out and things are very slowly getting to normal again. I'm not there yet :sobbing:

Last week I wanted to relax a bit, and I decided to have a few days off. I had a mini holiday, ie going out with friends and stuff. Being in the holiday mood did the trick for me. I must have looked very relaxed and confident, I managed to hook up with two different women. I didn't sleep with the first one, she was looking for more than sex, and she knew I wouldn't hang around.

I've spent 2 days with the second one, and one of the conversations we had was about hairloss. She said she hopes that I'm not one of those guys that gets stressed about hairloss, and that her biggest turn-off is a guy that doesn't know what he wants from life. Obviously, she doesn't know the real me :whistle:, I made sure I cleared my browser history and I hid the empty minoxidil bottles.

TBH, I didn't have to hear all that stuff from her, most of us already know the deal. First impressions matter, but most of the time it is the personality that seals the deal.

I'm not one of those guys that gets laid every weekend, but I know from experience that if I look happy and I'm with the right group of friends things happen. Most of the time I'm not happy at all, and I struggle. So, if I could appear as a happy and confident person, I could get laid as often as I wanted. Indeed, I have a NW5-6 bald friend who is super confident and he's got a few girls on the go. He's actually ugly, there is no politically correct way of putting it, but his confidence gets him many girls.

The moral of the story is, you have to be at peace with yourself. If you don't love yourself, you can't love someone else and that shows in the body language.

On the other hand, there are lots of girls that have the same problem as you. The trick is in finding those girls and hooking up with them. But just like the posters in this forum, those girls also sit at home and do f*ck all.

To IBM: yes it is that simple... Go out and meet people!!! I think you get treated like garbage because you treat people like garbage. In the forum, you constantly put people down, you intentionally or unintentionally try to make everyone else feel worse about themselves. You have issues and you reflect your issues by trying to drag others to your level. I mean, because you don't feel good about yourself, you find happiness in knowing that others are miserable too. I'm not trying to be critical of you, I'm giving you an honest opinion of what I have read in the forum and that's something you need to work on. You have to change the way you deal with people.


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ali, :agree: :bravo:

uncomfortable man

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Found myself going out last weekend for the first time in a month. Wound up at this little meat market of a bar I like to call Ballswells (Boswell's is the real name). So I was outside having a smoke when this guy asks for a cig. This guy was as bald as I was but I had my beanie on at the time. I gave him a smoke and befriended him, making small talk. After our smoke I said,"f*** this, let's go pick up on some chicks!" We proceeded to get some beer and make the rounds. I didn't want to take my beanie off and go as TEAM BALD. People might have thought Right Said Fred were having a reunion. But we talked to women the whole night, dancing, drinking whatever. My new friend wasn't doing too good in the feline department and I watched as he got shot down more than once. Yes, women said sh*t like, sorry bald is not my type etc. etc. I was cringing inside and said what I could to encourage him, but when I came back from having another smoke, he was gone. I wish I had revealed my true identity to him...that would have cheered him up, my long lost brother. :sobbing:


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seaback said:
I just would like to tell you guys that you try to score chicks at the wrong places.

What's wrong with finding PhD students in the bars???

The chick I was with has masters degree, as I do as well (in fact I'm a PhD drop-out).

You are telling me, your kind do not like going out? No wonder why your gf left you.

Having sex as a grad student is so much easier. The younger ones like you because you are mature, and the older ones like you because they can talk to you. Also, most of the postgraduate female students do not have any hang-ups like the younger ones, and when they want sex they find someone to have sex with.

You just have to hang out in the right places with the right people...


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Obsidian said:
Learn to like yourself and then the girls will come.

I think this is very easy to say (everything is), and for some, nearly impossible to do.

The other thing you hear a lot of is, "Go to the gym, get some nice clothes, etc. etc."
If baldness is the icing on the cake, one of many physical problems, this isn't necessarily an option.
Some men have bad acne scarring. Some are unable to shave their heads/faces with any regularity. It seems some people assume that we can all shave our heads and get the Bruce Willis/Patrick Stewart look, with perfect skin.
For some its not possible, and its much less traumatic to be by yourself.
For instance, if I thought that I could shave my head and face clean, and have decent skin, I wouldn't be here.


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seaback said:
What's wrong with finding PhD students in the bars

Are you telling me that most of the girls we can find in the bars or in night clubs are carrying out advanced studies which give them maturity ? Are you kidding ? Or are you living in a big american/english city with plenty of students ? I'm not. And most if not all the girls I know going to party are stupids hairdressers who have never made any effort in their life. And all the PhD girls I know don't go to such places but stay at home with a few friends and have a nice talk.

I live in a normal place but I hang around with the young-er professional community. Most of the people I know have advanced degrees, and I meet people through them.


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Something that doesn't get mentioned much: There are loads of guys with full heads of hair getting rejected in bars all the time. So why bald guys think it's because of their hair they are getting rejected I don't know...


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Petchsky said:
Something that doesn't get mentioned much: There are loads of guys with full heads of hair getting rejected in bars all the time. So why bald guys think it's because of their hair they are getting rejected I don't know...



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Something that doesn't get mentioned much: There are loads of guys with full heads of hair getting rejected in bars all the time. So why bald guys think it's because of their hair they are getting rejected I don't know...

A business associate told me a few years ago this hot chick had
rejected him in a bar because his hair was too long and thick, she liked
bald guys. LOL He cut his hair short and the next weekend she rejected him
again, telling him she liked guys with long hair. She probably thought he
was ugly but it was easier to blame the hair. What women say is NEVER
what they are thinking.