Small dosis of oral spironolactone and shedding


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Hi everybody,

I have been on the big 3 + topival castor oil + microneedling for more than one year now and I have had great results, but 2 months ago I decided to add oral spironolactone to mi regimen to boost a little bit temples regrowths. So I started to take 12.5mg a day of spironolactone orally (6.25 in the morning and 6.25 in the evening), and since then I have been experiencing a terrible shedding and my hair density seems to have decreased... So I'm starting to lose hopes and thinking to drop it of my regimen. I initially planed to take it for a trial period of 3 months to see if I could get some improvement.

So what do you guys think of that? Is such small doses of oral spironolactone actually good to reduce T level or should I drop it now?

Sorry for bad English, and thanks for reading,

Have a nice day ! :)


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2 months is too soon to quit. finasteride and minoxidil usually cause shedding for the first 2 months too. If you quit now then you'll never know. A sudden shedding coinciding with introduction of oral spironolactone indicates hormone related telogen effluvium, not a sudden increase in follcle androgen receptor susceptibility/male pattern baldness.


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I remember reading something about low doses of spironolactone actually raising testosterone, it only starts to suppress T and act as anti-androgen at 100mg+. Pointless using such a small dose for hair.


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Such low doses are pointless. Almost certainly having very little effect on your testosterone.

That being said, oral spironolactone in any dose is stupid unless you are transgender. Stay away from it. Topical if you absolutely must try it.


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Well, the point is that I don't really mind SE... And it really suck to be a NW3 while still stuying. So I think I'll keep it in my regimen for at least another month or so to see what happen, and if the shedding continue may change it for topical spironolactone.