Smoking And Hair Transplants Any Success Stories?


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Hey everyone,

First post on this site. Would really appreciate some feedback.

Short Background

I myself had a very small (450 grafts) FUE hairline transplant completed 2 days ago for early recession at the temples. I am 21, and generally pretty healthy other than the fact that due to a very stressful year I have picked up a moderate and regular smoking habit of about 5 to 8 cigs a day for the past year. I refrained from smoking a week before the procedure, and the procedure went well. HOWEVER, due to some really bad news I received, I messed up and had 2 cigarettes the day after the procedure. My surgeon said that considering that I had a very small operation with only 450 grafts, there shouldn't be too much competition for blood supply, however she obviously cannot advise me on what sort of damage has been done. I am freaking out and would like a question answered if you guys would be so kind. I WILL NOT smoke anymore for the next month at least, and I am taking all other precautions to protect my grafts (frequent cleansing, no exercise for 2 weeks, supplementing zinc, anti-oxidants, biotin and so forth)

My Question -
I recognise that my actions have probably jeopardised the healing process and my recovery time, I can live with this. BUT, my main concern is whether these two cigarettes will have likely impacted the survival of my grafts. In other words, setting aside the slower healing and longer recovery time, can I still obtain the same end result?

Thanks in advance for any feedback!


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My transplant was going so well until I walked past a man smoking a cigarette. All of my grafts fell out over the next few hours and I'm now completely bald again. My advice is don't risk it, lung cancer will be the least of your worries when you're heading to Norwood cemetery.


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While I appreciate humour, could I please get some serious responses as I am actually freaking out lol. Before anyone judges me, please understand that my slip up with smoking came after losing someone very close to me.

ps. not sure if your sarcasm implies that i am way overthinking this, or that ive ruined my end results and you are taking the piss. Please clarify :'(
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