Smoking weed prevents baldness?


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I was just listening to the radio and they were talking about a study that says smoking marijuana causes a hormonal imbalance that can prevent baldness but develop man boobs on men. Any pot smokers around here that are going bald? What do you guys think about this?


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i have a MMJ license. i am lit up all day and i have been for some time. if this were true, i would have hair down to my balls.


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My opinion is that it does make some sort of change in ur hormonal profile, which may lead to male pattern baldness reversal in some cases, but also may lead to acceleration in other cases.

I also believe this to be the case with finasteride, dutasteride, green tea, saw palmetto, etc.

They have the potential to alter hormones, but this could lead to either reversal or acceleration, depending on the original levels of hormones.
which means b4 u do any of these things u should get ur hormones checked, then work out wat the drug/herb/supplement changes, then figure out if it will help u, or accelerate male pattern baldness.

I also happen to think for some people weed helps them mentally, but for some it makes them paranoid, anxious, and this also leads to more hairloss. Not too mention in rare cases schizophrenia.

I am an advocate for weed, because i believe in freedom of choice, and i am against the current drugs policies that put ppl in jail, but i also think if its allowed the strong hydroponics should be banned, to stop the strong reactions some ppl have.

just my opinions though. nothing i said is proven or fact.


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Yeah I remember reading about weed accelerating male pattern baldness or increasing shedding whatever but this was only in a few cases and probably meant nothing. It pretty much won't have anything to do with stopping male pattern baldness. Even if it did, no respectable doctor would recommend it.


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I have a group of friends from high school that used to and still smoke daily. I hadn't seen them in years and went to tough mudder event and ran into all 4 of them. They were all slick balding and had shaved their heads. These guys have been best friends for a long time and you would figure that the odds of at least one of them holding their hair would be high (no pun intended), right? I started to wonder, "hmmmmm, I wonder if the pakalolo played a role in it?" I used to smoke a crap load myself but after I lost my father, about 10 weeks ago, I have stopped and now I wonder if pakalolo could have a negative effect on some people hair-loss.



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I doubt it has any effect, good or bad.
I've gone through long periods of smoking, and I've gone through long periods where I quit. The amount of hair I shed did not change in either of those periods.


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I was under the impression that it didn't do any particular GOOD but was certainly much better for it than alcohol. At least low concentration alcohol and sugary alcohol, as they all worsen dysbiosis, candida, liver issues, leaky gut, etc etc.