So are some or any of those clinics in Turkey a good place to get a hair transplant?


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Hi my names John and I am a 29 year old guy and I just joined this forum. I have spent the past few hours reading about hair transplants, and evidently its way cheaper to get it done in Turkey. However judging by the internet there are many places where you can get a transplant in Turkey. There is this guy called Dr Koray who seems to have a good reputation, and there are many videos on youtube which show his work- however he is kind of expensive.

Judging by the before ad after photographs which I have seen of operations performed on other guys who have or had experienced the same amount of hair loss as me, I will need a 2000 graft FUE hair transplant to get the effect which I want. Presumably there are lots of guys on here with experiences in this kind of thing, so based on your experiences, which would be the best place for me to get this done at the best price?


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Dr Koray's work is spectacular. His work is very similar to Rahal's. I would definitely consider him if you want to get FUE work for less cost but outstanding results. I have a good friend who is from Turkey so I would be able to go with my own interpreter but he makes you shave your whole head so that would not work for me. However, if you don't mind shaving your head, then go for it. Otherwise you have Feriduni and Bisinga are both good too since you live in the UK.