So Called 'Shedding Sh*ts'


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Hi Guys,

First time poster so please forgive me if this information has already been discussed.

I'm a 27 year old male who has finally decided to act on my ever thinning hair and receding hairline by trying Finpecia and Nizoral 2%. What I am looking to find out is does everybody who takes finasteride go through the dreaded shed? If so, at what part of the process does it happen and generally how bad is it?

I must admit that I'm pretty vain and whilst I can style my hair in certain ways that it doesnt look that bad (at least from the front) my hair is definately thinning on top, from the crown working it's way forward plus I have receded from the front. What I'm hoping is that if I do go experience the 'shed' it isn't all that bad.

Any advice would be very much appreciated and I thank all return posters in advance.



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can only speak for my own experience - finasteride gave me a shed around the 4 week mark, nothing on the temples, but pretty heavily on the crown/top of head/even some thinning on the back of the head. By month 3 it was getting better, and now, almost a year, it has completely regrown the crown.


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No not everyone does, and those who do don't always have very bad sheds (E.g. just shed 10% more hair than before).

I'm not sure how common it is to shed or not to shed, but apparently it wasn't recorded in any of the trials of the drug.


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lol yeah its pretty difficult to say mate. I shed from like day 5 right through to today 35 odd days later and there is no reprieve in site. I guess the best thing to do is ride it out. But man does it surely suck, just gotta put faith in genetics and body response my friend.