So, Hair loss has no influence on our careers?



Taugenichts said:
has there ever been a bald U.S. President??

Sure, we've had plenty of baldies.

The current Vice-President is a slick-bald NW6.

The 4th president of the US was James Madison, and look at him: ... adison.jpg[/img]

Here are some more, the 6th and 8th US presidents, respectively: ... qadams.jpg ... -buren.jpg

Look through the list yourself. Plenty of baldies :): ... index.html

Here's the most recent baldy president, Richard Nixon:


No, I take that back, Gerald Ford was the most recent baldy president, but he wasn't as bad as Nixon:



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In the last 20 years, the past 5 presidents had either a great head of hair or of at least decent quality. The contemporary public has spoken. They wish for leaders with hair, as they are obviously far more intelligent of the male species. :shock:

*Reagan, Clinton and JFK possessed the greatest presidential manes, with Carter deserving a passing mention.*


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People assume that bald people are a little wiser.

But if you’re looking for a normal job…………


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In the UK the last Conservative Prime minister was the gray haired but not balding John Major. He lost to Tony Blair who at the time had a fairly good head of hair. Since then the conservative party have had a stream of bald leaders who have failed to win back power even though Tony Blair has gone onto completly F#ck up the country. And people still vote for him. :hairy:
Hopefully the latest Tory leader (David Cameron) will use his good head of hair to win the next general election. Not that I think much of any politicion but he cant be worse than Blair.


In the last 20 years, the past 5 presidents had either a great head of hair or of at least decent quality. The contemporary public has spoken. They wish for leaders with hair, as they are obviously far more intelligent of the male species. :shock:

*Reagan, Clinton and JFK possessed the greatest presidential manes, with Carter deserving a passing mention.*

Well Reagan was a dunce. He would have gotten elected without hair as well. Nixon was one of the most intelligent presidents and he was a Norwood 3-4.


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Of course hairloss affects our careers. How much it depends on personality. Of course if i hadnt hairloss and scalp problems (the latter affects most in phisical terms) i wouldnt (for example) think about my hair everytime.

In my work there is a NW6 guy that is like a machine in the ways of work, dress, talk & walk. And i bet he is like that because of his NW6. Maybe he try to cloak his insecurity or his personal life with this machinery personality. He's like a consultancy Terminator.

I feel like him but in a geek way.


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Baldness will only effect your career if you had nothing special to offer your trade in the first place, if you are truly valuable in your area of work then hairloss will not effect it.


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where two people of equal ability are vying for a job, the one with hair will get it and the baldy will miss out, silly.


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It's funny people that stick to their job when they have some personality disorders. They hate lunch time and wish that there would not have been pauses.

They could for example sleep, get an headache, get a cold, simulate a disaster, etc... to miss the work. But they dont do that.

I think the reason is that they dont want to show weakness to cloak their true weakness. But people discover that by their job's machinery dedication.

If i have some social problems is it wrong to try change paths? My mom says that i'm crazy and i've no reasons to complain. Why she doesnt understand me?


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hairloss affects your confidence which then affects your ability to interview well. I had bad, BAD hairtransplants during my interviews with firms, and I did very poorly. Even the guy with bad hairtransplants himself didn't get me a callback interview. Had I had normal confidence, I might have done a little better. my interviews were probably my only time in law school where I did not wear a hat.


recboi said:
hairloss affects your confidence which then affects your ability to interview well. I had bad, BAD hairtransplants during my interviews with firms, and I did very poorly. Even the guy with bad hairtransplants himself didn't get me a callback interview. Had I had normal confidence, I might have done a little better. my interviews were probably my only time in law school where I did not wear a hat.

Well said, sooner or later hair loss will control every single aspect of your life. Sure, some may say that it is our fault to let hair loss control our lifes, but I am too weak to deal with it. There is nothing such a weak person with low selfesteem as myself can do about it.


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Watch the transporter 1 & 2 and anything else that has guys who just don't give a s**t about hair loss. If you don't have confidence, getting your hair back is not going to make as much difference as you think it will. Seriously- it's better to go out and excel at a bunch of stuff that's important- money, sports, etc in peoples eyes, than having a nice main of hair. Take it from an old guy. I am just recently starting to really thin diffuse on top (age 47) and I had a great head of hair up unitl now. Now, the other day I saw a guy that couldn't have been more than 30, with the Statham hair having lunching with a young woman that looked like Michelle Tratchenburg (Buffy's little sister). Except the girl had a BETTER body. This guy had the buzz cut ( so he acknowledged his hair loss), but he oozed confidence. Confidence is built up by competence. Just my opinion.


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Hairloss does not controll the every aspect of life one's life. What is going on between your ears, that is the trouble. There is something you can do about it, but it takes a willingnes to take on honest self apraisle of self limiting beliefs and habits and change. It is accepting what one can not change and couragously changing what you can. It is simple solution to a difficult problem. It takes work that many are not willing to do, because they have not accepted the reality of their situation, or what they can or cannot do. Many think they are entitled to instant grattification. They will cry " But it's not supposed to be this way" Say's who? You are what you believe... it is that simple. You can change that with work, but like any worthwhile endeaver, it is an effort that requires consistancy over a period of time.

If you insist on believing the quality of your life is dependant on the number of follicle on your head, you are destined for failure. Take responsibility for you life, stop being a victim.... or suffer and die.


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Not everyone can look like Jason Statham with a shaved head. I look better with hair but still not as good as he does with receeding hair. If you are handsome and look good shaved you dont have a problem with hairloss, its easy to have confidence if this is the case. But for some guys (call them losers if you want) hairloss is devastating. The physical can effect the physcological and its hard to pick yourself up and start working at improving your life when you can't see what to do.


maybe you re right s.a.f. maybe not. i think some have problems with hairloss others dont. but i think you can change yourself so that you can come from not beeing able to handle it to beeing able to handle it.


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"The physical can effect the physcological and its hard to pick yourself up and start working at improving your life when you can't see what to do."

Agreed, but it is up to the individual how long he is going to let something beyond his control, controll him. if he will not acknowllege this, there is not much that can be done.

" can't see what to do?" an honest self appraisal. sometimes we can not see what the problem is untill it is in black and white. An inventory journal is a start.

fearlessly identify self limmiting beliefs and habbits and be willing to overcome them. Are your beliefs fact or perception? What habbits you do have that are counter produtive?

write out your ugliest thoughts: the ones you would never share with your buddies evan after a quart of jack daniels. you will likely find that 95% of them are self perception rather than fact.

And ask what would you do if you believed otherwise. write as much as you can.

Replace old beliefs with news ones

fearlessly identify and write.
i feel like and ugly troll because of my hairloss, no women will want to breed with me because I am not worthy. If onlyI had afull head of hair i could be happy, succesful and confident.

replace with and affirm daily

I have unlimmited value and worth as a human being.
I am not here to meet the expectation of others.
I make no appologies for losing my hair, because i am godamn man.

who is going to be more succesfull, the guy with the first set of beliefs or the second one?

There is no right particular way of doing this. these are just my suggestion. you may want to work with some who specialises in cognitive therepy. the point is, it is an inside job. we have treatnent that may slow or stop loss , at least temporarily, but if the quality of your life depends on hair, your going to be fucked.

change is difficult, but like i said in the post above. Any worth while endaever takes work. it requires consitancy over a period of time, just like the big three


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replace with and affirm daily

I have unlimmited value and worth as a human being.
I am not here to meet the expectation of others.
I make no appologies for losing my hair, because i am godamn man

great psychology.

these three little lines are all you will ever need.

just be assertive.


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s.a.f said:
Not everyone can look like Jason Statham with a shaved head. I look better with hair but still not as good as he does with receeding hair. If you are handsome and look good shaved you dont have a problem with hairloss, its easy to have confidence if this is the case. But for some guys (call them losers if you want) hairloss is devastating. The physical can effect the physcological and its hard to pick yourself up and start working at improving your life when you can't see what to do.

Yeah, my head is so round, that even had I not had hair transplant, I still couldn't ever shave my head. I'd look like an alien. I'm totally screwed unless they have hair multiplication.