has there ever been a bald U.S. President??
Taugenichts said:has there ever been a bald U.S. President??
ETERNAL HOPE said:In the last 20 years, the past 5 presidents had either a great head of hair or of at least decent quality. The contemporary public has spoken. They wish for leaders with hair, as they are obviously far more intelligent of the male species. :shock:
*Reagan, Clinton and JFK possessed the greatest presidential manes, with Carter deserving a passing mention.*
recboi said:hairloss affects your confidence which then affects your ability to interview well. I had bad, BAD hairtransplants during my interviews with firms, and I did very poorly. Even the guy with bad hairtransplants himself didn't get me a callback interview. Had I had normal confidence, I might have done a little better. my interviews were probably my only time in law school where I did not wear a hat.
.replace with and affirm daily
I have unlimmited value and worth as a human being.
I am not here to meet the expectation of others.
I make no appologies for losing my hair, because i am godamn man
s.a.f said:Not everyone can look like Jason Statham with a shaved head. I look better with hair but still not as good as he does with receeding hair. If you are handsome and look good shaved you dont have a problem with hairloss, its easy to have confidence if this is the case. But for some guys (call them losers if you want) hairloss is devastating. The physical can effect the physcological and its hard to pick yourself up and start working at improving your life when you can't see what to do.