So happy with my Toppik


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Wow, just got my first Toppik in the post today and im so happy with it.

Few sprinkles here and there and my thinning looks gone! great!

Never apply too much though or you can tell.

Id reccommend anyone with my thinning type of hairloss to try this stuff. Its really good!


Experienced Member
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i agree, works magic.


Senior Member
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I used a simliar product called Nanogen for a couple of years when I first started to regain my hair, I loved the stuff it's absolutely brilliant. It instantly gave me the appearence of having double the amount of hair I had.


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toppik is great indeed , I would suggest you also try Hair So Real , which essentially the same ( if not better ) and much much cheaper .

How do you deal with toppik's major drawbacks?
1. You can't swim with it or get caught in the rain
the answer ? Try dermatch
2. When applying , debris gets all over the bathroom .Not just the sink . All over the bathroom
the answer ? Clean your entire bathroom twice or thrre times a week or.... try dermatch
3. You have to hide from everyone between washing your head and applying toppik
the answer ? Screw them all :tongue:

I would love any other suggestions


Senior Member
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Dermatch is just messy as toppic and less natural looking.


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i agree dermatch is not as natural looking as toppik , but when it comes to mess then hands down dermatch wins .Almost no mess at all .At least the way i use it : i turn it into powder by scrabbing the disk it with a toothbrush and fill an empty toppik bottle with it . I also use the spray applicator on the toppik bottle . Then just spray dermatch powder dry on dry scalp and hair and comb with a plastic brush et voila! ... no mess ay all !!!!
(the idea is not mine , unfortunately i cannot give credits to its founder cause i do not remember who he was !!sorry...)


Established Member
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I prefer dermatch over toppik. Toppik gets all over my fingernails if I scratch my head even after it's been on for hours. However, I get the most natural look for me by using both sparingly.