I'm 19 years old and I noticed my scalp thinning about 5 months ago. It hasn't gotten much worse but I don't know if it is MPHL or hopefully just from me losing around 15 pounds in 3 months or from hypothyroidism (getting blood tests to confirm soon). I have no receding hairline or any hair loss in the frontal portion of my hair.
This one is when I purposely am exposing the area.
This is with my hair messy but natural.
Hair purposefully parted.
And again.
I currently have lipogaine and Lipogaine big 3 shampoo on stand-by, ready to use.
I want to avoid finasteride as much as possible because the last thing I need is ED, more mental instability (depression), and weight gain at my age.
Thank you for info/advice in advance.

I currently have lipogaine and Lipogaine big 3 shampoo on stand-by, ready to use.
I want to avoid finasteride as much as possible because the last thing I need is ED, more mental instability (depression), and weight gain at my age.
Thank you for info/advice in advance.