So Is Less Shedding A Good Thing???


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Lately i've noticed i don't lost many hairs in the shower or not as many hairs fall out when i run my hands through my hair.

Is this a good thing?

I've made some adjustments to my diet and exercise regime. I'm also not any treatments.

I used to notice heaps of hairs fall out when i ran my hands through my hair

I also used to notice a few hairs on the pillow when i wake in the morning. Now i never get any

Is this a good thing?


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You're asking on a hair loss forum if losing less hair is a good thing? I am confused.


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Lately i've noticed i don't lost many hairs in the shower or not as many hairs fall out when i run my hands through my hair.

Is this a good thing?

I've made some adjustments to my diet and exercise regime. I'm also not any treatments.

I used to notice heaps of hairs fall out when i ran my hands through my hair

I also used to notice a few hairs on the pillow when i wake in the morning. Now i never get any

Is this a good thing?
Yes, your hair loss has probably slowed down, which has nothing to do with your diet or workout btw. Nobody can tell what the future looks like, maybe you kepp your current hair for the rest of my life, maybe it starts again in a few months....


Senior Member
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Yes, your hair loss has probably slowed down, which has nothing to do with your diet or workout btw. Nobody can tell what the future looks like, maybe you kepp your current hair for the rest of my life, maybe it starts again in a few months....

So male pattern baldness can randomly just stop? And the lucky fellow keeps his NW3 forever???

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So male pattern baldness can randomly just stop? And the lucky fellow keeps his NW3 forever???

In my experience it can stop, or slow down dramatically for years, then out of nowhere goes into turbo mode and you lose 2 norwoods in a year. Maybe it's due to external factors, maybe it's just internal, but that lost hair almost never comes back.


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How old are, do you have thinning hairs. And you really think you see all falling hairs.
Do you have balding areas.