So Is Massaging Bs Or What? Has It Worked For Anyone?


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Looks like good results here and there but there’s no way it works. I wish I could see actual more results from it. I don’t really want to massage where my hair is already weak and just pull them out of my head and make it all worse. I’ve been massaging my scalp around the areas without actually touching my hair so I don’t pull any out but still moving my scalp around. Don’t want to do it too crazy and mess up my skin or something.


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I've been doing it pretty much daily for a few months now and plan to stick at it for a year (may as well, it's not much effort). As far as results I shed a lot less hair and my scalp is noticeably looser and there's less sebum/greasy hair which to me feels like a positive sign but as for regrowth I haven't seen anything yet. After a year I will probably decide if it's worth sticking at it. If I'm regressing by then it's surely not worth it, but if things have stayed the same then I'll keep massaging and hold out on the chance that it's slowing the hairloss.

The theories make a lot of sense though and sites like present it in such a scientific/fascinating way that really make you believe that they could be onto something. That said I am dubious about the small number of documented success stories so can't help but wonder if massage is not quite enough to reverse the calcification. I do think that it could slow down the male pattern baldness progression for those with less aggressive balding and help alleviate other scalp issues that contribute to hairloss.

Ultimately it's one of those things where you just have to try it to find out. At least it's free.

Mandar kumthekar

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The only area which has less movement is top of scalp, massaging should help .I had been doing it for 3 months but stopped because it was very exhaustive. But adding it should help in my opinion.