So Is The Consensus You Have To Ingest Castor Oil To See Thickening Effects?


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from reading the many castor oil threads, i am seeing that the ppl who report actual thickening of hairs, both head and body, are the users who ingest it. is what i a saying correct. I've read that castor oil is hard to absorb topically, so would ingest be the best bet


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This is something I also would want to know.

But then it's supposed to be growing all hair you have on your body and not just target your scalp unlike the topical application.

Taking it orally is still a question to me, for whom did it work? / Bump


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the concensus is that its not even absorbed topically, so if taken it orally increases all hair on the body, including scalp, it would be a bullet wed have to swallow.


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I know it's not and according to the "pro" users you should use it in conjunction with some carrier like DMSO or ethanol perhaps. But I've seen alot of women using this for their alopecias and they claim it have helped them without using carriers. Although they may not have pattern baldness it's not clear to me why they manage to grow hair if that concensus is true.

Anyways, I don't want to steer away from the topic, still interested knowing who's seen results with it taken orally :)


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I was only using it on a regular basis for about three months. It did thicken many of my individual hairs, but not to some crazy extent. I stopped using it regularly out of sheer laziness, so I can't comment on any possible regrowth, but I am going to begin with it again. Be careful about using big amounts though. I think it was 1-3 mL, anything above that causes hypertrichosis and thickening of all old hairs. I took 5 mL per day, and transformed into a gorilla over the summer. On a positive note, I am now a good candidate for a body hair transplant.
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Take 1 ml every second day orally. Never noticed any difference after 4 months so dropped it. I did add it to hot juice to make it a bit easier to swallow though, maybe that damaged the active ingredient. I know it's best to buy cold pressed for a reason.


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I was only using it on a regular basis for about three months. It did thicken many of my individual hairs, but not to some crazy extent. I stopped using it regularly out of sheer laziness, so I can't comment on any possible regrowth, but I am going to begin with it again. Be careful about using big amounts though. I think it was 1-3 mL, anything above that causes hypertrichosis and thickening of all old hairs. I took 5 mL per day, and transformed into a gorilla over the summer. On a positive note, I am now a good candidate for a body hair transplant.

Surely a bit of extra body hair is worth it? You can always trim/shave.

I've seen so many anecdotes of people saying it grew their body hair/head hair/beard/eyelashes. But not a single bit of scientific evidence that it even helps grow hair at all. I bought some but have never used it as it was really messy and I wasn't sure if might affect my minoxidil. But if all I have to do is swallow 3ml a day then I suppose I may try it.


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When I took castor oil, I had hair growing between my eyebrows and my hairline, I actually had to shave that. I thought it was the Minoxidil, but I've been using minoxidil for months since then and stopped castor oil and that hair went away. So it was definitely the castor oil.
Hard to say if it actually did anything for the hair on my head, though.


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Surely a bit of extra body hair is worth it? You can always trim/shave.

I've seen so many anecdotes of people saying it grew their body hair/head hair/beard/eyelashes. But not a single bit of scientific evidence that it even helps grow hair at all. I bought some but have never used it as it was really messy and I wasn't sure if might affect my minoxidil. But if all I have to do is swallow 3ml a day then I suppose I may try it.


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Surely a bit of extra body hair is worth it? You can always trim/shave.

I've seen so many anecdotes of people saying it grew their body hair/head hair/beard/eyelashes. But not a single bit of scientific evidence that it even helps grow hair at all. I bought some but have never used it as it was really messy and I wasn't sure if might affect my minoxidil. But if all I have to do is swallow 3ml a day then I suppose I may try it.
Yeah the jury is still out on its usefulness in terms of helping male pattern baldness. People began to look at it because of Swiss Temples protocol, he claimed Castor Oil raises PGE2 levels or something, I've also heard that it reduces inflammation a bit. The way I look at it is, castor oil is cheap, it cost me $10 for 1 liter, so even if it doesn't help much, I only wasted $10. For the body hair, you're also right. It doesn't bother me enough to shave, but some people will have a fit when their eyebrows start connecting to their hairline haha.


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I noticed no hair growth on the rest of my body when taking castor oil.


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My ma does this. She just applies it and lets it sit for a while. I personally think its horseshit.
From reading you use it topically and it just gets in the pores and re nutrilizes the hair roots.