so out of the new topicals?


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there seems to be a whole load new of topicals,
some with propecia in, flutagel etc. etc.

i know its too soon to tell, but what one are
people expecting to be the most effective?



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I've been on Flutagel for 2 weeks now. I try to apply it 2x daily, once at night and once around noon. No sides (except for once when I applied it after applying Folligen) and no regrowth either. I'm going to give it a good 3 or 4 months. In this time it has pretty much stopped the itch in my temples, so that's worth something I guess.


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thanks for the reply

are you using this in conjunction with any other treatments?
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good question.
I tried almost everything and nothing works really
from fluta, revivogen, finasteride, minoxidil i get bad sides.
and ru 58841 and spironolactone works not good..

are there some other things out on the market?


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Have you considered Proxiphen (or Prox-n)? Also, the new flutagel from sinere is supposed to not get into your system, unlike other topical flutamide.


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whats Proxiphen?

im considering adding flutagel, want to know
whether its worth forking out that much cash?

trying to maintain with just topicals due to bad sides after 14 months on
propecia is hard work


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The only other thing I'm using is a few special shampoos (T-Gel, PO, ACTIV-M, Nioxin) and some pills: L-Taurine, Biosil, Cod Liver Oil, Ashwaganda and Prevagen.

I should mention that using Flutagel (or Finasgel for that matter) on your temples only 2x a day, one bottle should last you over 6 months easily.


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how is that regime working out for you?

i should add some vitamins

i am tempted to add flutagel, currently on minoxidil liquid and topical spironolactone
its already proving to be very expensive which is why im slightly hesitant to
add flutagel


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Today marked 3 weeks on the Flutagel so still too early to tell. Everything else seems to be working good or as well as can be hoped. I'm kinda paying the price now for a year ago+ when I was taking high amounts of pro-hormones. Big no-no hair-wise as I am now finding out after the fact. Really messed up big time on that one. My hairline was pretty much stable for a good 2-3 years before doing that =\

One negative thing about the flutagel is that you can't really stack it with other stuff or else it will drag the flutamide into your blood stream. That was the whole point in Sinere making this version, i.e. to replicate the Sintov formula which showed success in keeping it in the skin only. Therefore if you want to add Flutagel you'd have to apply it a good 8-10 hours apart from your other topicals, which makes it tough. The residue it leaves behind on the hair almost rules out am application before work etc. I apply a small amount VERY carefully to my temples only when I come home for lunch and manage to do so inconspicuously. Night time application I go wild tho and smother it everywhere.


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ah good advice,
i think i will add it soon

not sure how im gonna fit in minoxidil / spironolactone / flutagel in one day tho


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I would use the minoxidil first thing after a shower, 10 mins later put on the spironolactone then before bed apply the Flutagel.


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can u recommend anything for the minoxidil / spironolactone smell?

also any tried and tested vitamins from holland & barret?


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hairsucks said:
I would use the minoxidil first thing after a shower, 10 mins later put on the spironolactone then before bed apply the Flutagel.

This method would make you smell like a skunk. IMO you want to apply spironolactone before you go to bed so you can wash it off in the morning and apply minoxidil. Otherwise it sticks around in your hair and every time you apply the minoxidil you'll get that nasty mercaptan smell.


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the pong has been pretty bad

if i was to do that, where could i fit flutagel in?


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What kind of pro hormones did you use? And was it because of propecia?

Back in the late 90's I was using all kinds of pro hormones; 4AD, androstendiol, androstendione, 19-Norandrostendione etc. etc. I believe there was also a time when I was using both pro hormones and propecia which can be both good and bad depending on which ones you're using. For instance, taking 19-nor with propecia would not be good as 19-nor converts to DHN, which is a very mildly androgenic hormone. However, it requires the 5AR for this conversion. If you block the 5AR and take 19-nor it will remain as nandrolone, which is far more harmful for your hair.

A couple of years ago I started up again with 1AD, M1T, and a combo pill that had again androstendiol, 19-nor and I think 4AD or something else in it (I wouldn't use all of them at once, I'd cycle them for 6-7 weeks). I put on a lot of size and strength fairly quickly (don't let anyone ever tell you that pro hormones don't work, they DO) but my hair paid the price starting about 6 monts later and continuing for a year or so. I then started up on green tea pills for several months failing to realize they were making my skin oily and causing the same reaction I had while on propecia, basically a bad hypo reaction. I stopped taking green tea in Oct. of last year but I had been on them for a long time and was wondering why I was literally watching my hairline fall apart like when I was on propecia. I guess my body just really doesn't do well with any sort of internal 5AR blocker and over-compensates. That and I never knew androstendione was so bad for your hair until I found out after the fact. I would have been MUCH better off literally injecting Deca than taking those damn pills.