so ?#$&*?$*#%*$? PISSED OFF


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excuse me but i just have to let it out im sooo fuckin pissed off i dont know if its because im paranoid but at the back top of the head where the hair divids i think i just got a little bald spot there i swear to god if its alopecia areata im gonna go nuts i dont want that bullshit ontop of other sh*t i gotta worry about , i been loosing eyebrow hair and eyelash past couple days too my hair is good except for the sides where its thinning i think i have DUPA but the top is good lucky i got a derm appointment tommorow and i swear if that stupid old lady tells me i got AA i dont know what ill do


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king- said:
excuse me but i just have to let it out im sooo fuckin pissed off i dont know if its because im paranoid but at the back top of the head where the hair divids i think i just got a little bald spot there i swear to god if its alopecia areata im gonna go nuts i dont want that bullshit ontop of other sh*t i gotta worry about , i been loosing eyebrow hair and eyelash past couple days too my hair is good except for the sides where its thinning i think i have DUPA but the top is good lucky i got a derm appointment tommorow and i swear if that stupid old lady tells me i got AA i dont know what ill do

i feel you pain man


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dudemon said:
I guess you'd really be shittin' bricks if you woke up as a NW5!

Some of us here don't have that "hair on back top of their head, where it divides" anymore. Imagine that.

You could be starting to see bald spot, but try imagining what some of us on here go through day in and day out - as NW5's, 6's, or 7's. :(

sh*t, it's only hair don't trip off of it too hard - you know? I'm a NW5, and I've had 3 hair transplant's. Now I look like a NW5 with a "see-through" layer of peach fuzz on top. Almost $40k later! Imagine that.

Now, I just crop it so short I might as well just shave it anyways. BTW, derms are usually not a good source of hairloss advice. Most of them don't know jackshit about hairloss or hairloss treatments.

What, so he can't feel bad just because he's not a NW5, 6 or 7?


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just got back from the derm i swear its the biggest relief i had in a while last night i was crying i know but whatever i couldnt sleep all last night literlley im so tired now anyways i went to the derm and she said thats normal the thing i got at the back everyone has that ( i swear im loosing it lol )

and about the thinning on the sides there bad she prescribed me propecia and said most likley its dupa so its a 50% chance and about the eyelash and eyebrow problem she said stress is most likley it and she examined my eyebrows and eyelashes and sees little hairs growing back but told me to get my thyroid checked just incase ( which i did just waiting for results ).............and told me to relax dont over stress

im just so reliefed and hope propecia does the job

PS: sorry for the crazy thread i just went nuts like at 1 point i said to my self these people on the forums exajerate toooooo much but NOW i know you dont know nothing untill you go through the same thing !


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What, so he can't feel bad just because he's not a NW5, 6 or 7?

You'll find that that is a common trend amongst many people on this forum. If your hair loss isn't as bad as theirs, you have no right to complain. Bullshit, I know.


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why dont you post some pictures? i am sure people on this forum could probably give you better advice than a derm!


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mj9 said:
why dont you post some pictures? i am sure people on this forum could probably give you better advice than a derm!

way to put my morale down

lol jk

unfortunatly my parents are out of the country and brought the cameras with them so i got nothing but everything the derm said makes sence i went to my doctor right after same thing if you see my hair right now you will think to your self whats wrong with this guy cause i got a full head of very black hair its like a fro right now


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so why the f*** are you pissed off? :)


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mj9 said:
so why the f*ck are you pissed off? :)
well im not no more i just thought i had signs of alopecia but i was going pyscho i admit it i lost it this hair sh*t can really get to you and make you think the worst


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Avery said:
What, so he can't feel bad just because he's not a NW5, 6 or 7?

You'll find that that is a common trend amongst many people on this forum. If your hair loss isn't as bad as theirs, you have no right to complain. Bullshit, I know.

They have a sense of entitlement for everyones pity. They pride themselves on that.


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okkkk i know were all having hair problems but why the hell would we degrade our selves and start arguing on the internet
cmon guys


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okkkk i know were all having hair problems but why the hell would we degrade our selves and start arguing on the internet
cmon guys

It's like the 3rd best thing to do on the Internet. (1 and 2 are both p0rn.)


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That's okay Dudemon, hit the deck and give me fifty :hairy:


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i like dudemon's comments, he keeps the young guys in check i.e. it's not that bad, and could be way worse!

i appreciate the wisdom.

uncomfortable man

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Me too, hang in there Duderino. :bravo: