So Rediculously Obsessed.....


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I really wish there was a trick to get hairloss off of my mind. Im starting to wonder if time and lots of it will be the only way.

I wake up, and the first thing I think about is how messed up my hair is compared to what it used to be 2 years ago when I was 18--long, blond surfer hair is very hard to part with. After that moment, its a trip to the mirror for 10-20minutes to inspect my hairline.

Im at home from school for the summer and not working (really need the rest this summer), so the next stop in my routine is the car to go get something to eat. After the engine is running, and some tunes are playing--another mirror check of the hairline.

Arrive at sandwhich shop/whereever i choose to eat, and yup.... yet another mirror check at that old hairline....

Before I open the door to the place, I see my reflection and am either rather pleased or very pissed at how my hair looks on that day.

I drive home while occasionally looking in the mirror at my damn hair.

I arrive home, and before I eat, its another farking trip to the bathroom to inspect the hairline like something possibly changed in the past 20minutes to cause massive hairloss.

the day goes on. Ill go skate or play guitar, or fark around with videogames, or do whatever else bored college students at home for the summer who dont work do.

7PM.... trip to the gym!
Get in car, look at hair. Get to gym, look at hair before going inside. Get inside, and mess with hair in front of the mirrors for 1-2minutes before lifting. Get done lifting, and go swimming. While swimming, will occasionally take goggles off to mess with hair every 10minutes or so like its actually possible to keep a style while swimming freestyle.
Before I go, another mirror check.
In the car, mirror.....


Anyone else have/had a similar experience or am I just abnormally obsessed about this? I didnt really notice how obsessed I was until a few days ago when I went to a friend's party, was messing with my hair in the reflection of a door window, and some chick thought I was checking myself out.

Ill probably head into the bathroom and stare at my hairline for another 5minutes right after this post before I go to bed too.....

I sometimes wonder how much better life would be if there were no damn mirrors in existance........


GL to everyone. Hairloss= teh ultimate suck aside from poor vision and/or terminal surgery. Then again, I bet a lot of us would live more steadfast if we knew we only had x amount of time to live before some disease would up and off us....


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I, too, used to have this problem.

I find that the use of a particular anti-anxiety/anti-depressant medication has worked wonders for this...

In addition, I feel much less stressed out.

You will one day realize that all this time you're wasting is for nothing. You will start to overcome your male pattern baldness, and you will begin to focus on more important things.

Moving on was and IS the hardest thing for me, in terms of my hairloss.

But, gradually, with time and encouragement from my brothers and few friends, I'm making progress with treatments, and enjoying the quality of life here before I move to the east coast...

For some, this works:

Shave it. Use treatments. Get psychological resolution. Get over it. Get a dog. (I got a new puppy and couldn't be happier) Get a girlfriend. Get a new look. (I'm really liking my buzzed hair right now)

Keep informed with promising new treatments.


take a load off, man. There's no reason to be looking at yourself in the mirror so much. Nothing is changing, and you know it.

Enjoy life.


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same here..I am so completely obsessed. Not only with my hairlline but other s people hairline too. When I am not checking my hairline I will be seeing other peoples hairline thinking..oh is my hairline like that..or like this...oh I will start looking sumthin like this if meds dont work or oh..damn that guy has so much hair...hes so lucky. I waste hours in a day just looking at something I hate to look...My balding head


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Easier said than done, but you should do your best to avoid looking at your head so much. If you take a step back, there's really not much you can do than you're already doing. So, what you're doing is wasting life on something that you hate doing in the first place. Absolutely no good can come of it, so why do it?

This is a difficult thing to rationalize...but you must seek to maximize your daily life. When you obsess, both you and other people notice. It's a self-defeating action...other people may begin to not want to be around you - not because of your hair, but because you're not pleasant to be around. They likely don't know the reason for this, and simply write you off as being distant or otherwise peculiar. You see yourself as obsessed with your hair. Others see you as a buzzkiller. The two are not otherwise related.

I know it's hard, but try it for a week. Don't examine your head other than when you're getting ready in the morning. When thoughts of hairloss enter your mind, force yourself to shift thought to something else. Say it outloud if you have to do so.


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I would find other things to do to get your mind off of hairloss like music or something else. It helped me out.