So what about Revivogen without spironolactone...


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Proscar has done good things for me over the last two yrs, but I just can't see staying on something that interfers with my sex life....
I'm looking at's regimen, spironolactone and Revivogen, and it looks really intriguing to me, but I'm thinking....what about just revivogen?
I've been on revivogen for three months, and it's too early to measure any kind of results.
But what if I just quit proscar and stick with revivogen, no spironolactone....
Do you think I'll keep my hair?
Anyone? Bueller?


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Interesting idea. I've thought of it....
But you know, Bryan's article on the subject gives me more confidence in Revivogen at this point. Also, a once a day topical without a strong smell....that appeals to me at this point.
If it works, it's a godsend.

George Costanza

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I've tried revivogen and my scalp didn't like it due to the alzeic acid content. But it DOES have a smell, nothing you can't live with though.

I use 5% spironolactone and it has no smell, the 2% liquid does.

As far as which one works better, I think it's up for grabs. I would put my money on the spironolactone though.


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My money is with spironolactone also ..thats why i bought it.Plus the smell is only apparent if used with minoxidil,so ive heard.


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I know this is complete conjecture but I wouldn't do one without the other. Id say the data backs the spironolactone more (but only because its been around longer, and people have bothered to make data) ... but Revivogen would be a complementary mix with it. spironolactone alone does have good data, but from what Bryan says, the Revivogen does that much and a little bit more... so I use both... to "duplicate propecia" (again total conjecture here). So far it has worked though.

Revivogen alone? I dont know. For example I use them together so I only use Revivogen once a day. Twice a day and I get itching like crazy from the revivogen. Once a day and im fine. If you use Revivogen alone, I'd say you'd need to use it twice a day like they say "some people may need to". I wouldn't use one without the other though, if money isn't an issue.

George Costanza

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I wish I could use revivogen but just one application a day made my scalp itch and scale plus it was sore to the touch. :(


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I use Crinagen, and it don't matter how many times I put it on, it does not irrritate my skin at all.
Why does Revivogen causes irritation?


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I was having irritation, itching, from Revivogen, but after getting on Nizoral, that cleared up pretty quick. I think if I use it twice a day, I'll get a lot of irritation, so I'm probably not going to do that. Also, I feel the smell is too strong to wear around during the day, though it's not a horrible smell, which makes it ok for night use., are you using spironolactone twice a day or just once? I think I remember reading you use 5%, is that right? If so, do you use 5% twice a day or do you use 2% during the daytime and 5% at night?
If you use it during the day, did you have any trouble with smell, for example during excercise or on hot days?
One more question: How long do you wait between topicals? I'm sure it can't be the full 3 hours suggested by Revivogen, right?
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Revivogen has a much better liposome delivery system to the scalp than Crinagen so my 2 cents is to use Revi rather than Cri.