So, what does your tongue look like? O.O


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Weirdest thread title ever? lol

Apparently, I heard that the tongue can be a great gauge of health! Like, the way the body is reacting to things, inflammation, autoimmune responses, all those things which really have potent effects on our general wellbeing! Apparently geographic tongue can be connected to a gluten allergy/sensitivity, white/yellowness, a "thick" tongue, odd colours, swelling, redness, etc!

And I have most of them!! I have since I was 15, and always wondered what it was! So I am very glad I am cleaning up my diet, and I think my tongue has gotten slightly better already.

So... have you had issues with the appearance and feel of your tongue?

I ask because, perhaps it could be a gauge as to whether your health could be being impacted by your diet, and this could be affecting other things!

Again, I'm not saying it means someone's diet is BAD, just that it could include things they are sensitive to!

It's just a thought, could be wrong, but my friend who has hypothyroid says her very experienced thyroid... doctor... man, checked her tongue as part of just a general routine thing, as it apparently says so much about health!

Anyway, take care peoples!



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Your skin can be a great gauge of health..your eyes..your nails...your armpits..ok..maybe not your armpits...


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Actually FUNNY you should say that, but my unusual thread was just thoroughly trumped by THIS thread...

"Body odor relation to hair loss

I believe I have came across a clue to what causes premature hair loss, I want to know if any other people who are premature balders (in their 20's) have had the same experience. Please follow my logic and let me know if you think I am on the right track.

Since puberty I have had a onion body odor from my armpits, very strong. After wrestling practice in high school the whole school bus would cringe and yell when I got on board and I didn't have deodorant. So I found an article that talks about women body odor smelling like onions, and male body odor smelling like cheese: ... nions/7992

So I have a female body odor, probably because of an excess of estrogen causing this sulphur to be present in my sweat. On this forum we have talked a lot about how premature baldness is basically the male version of PCOS, which basically results in a loss of all hair on the top of the scalp, and in the end the only part that remains is a little tuft of hair in the front. (Wheras people who lose their hair in their 40's and beyond have gradual recession and they do lose that tuft of hair in the front.

Anyway, being that I am 25 and started losing my hair at 22, I think it's safe to say that my hair loss is related to male-PCOS. My SHBG was always low when I checked (it was 19), my free testosterone was always high, and my total testosterone was mid to low range. Unfortunately I never checked my estrogen but I believe it is high because one time when I was taking DHEA supplements I had a night sweat problem, so I suppose that I had estrogen dominance because all that DHEA was being converted to estrogen instead of testosterone.

Now how does this relate to body odor? When I went on a no gluten and no egg (both I believe i am sensitive to), my odor went away. JDP has posted a study that showed that 85% of people with PCOS have gluten sensitivity. So I am thinking that eating gluten was causing my hormones to shift into estrogen dominance, which gave me the onion body odor.

Now last week I suddenly started eating grains again, because my girlfriend makes delicious bread, and my parents bought me a few pizzas here and there. So a few nights ago we were lying down and she said "Wow your onion odor is back again, and really strong!"

So do any of you other premature balders (hair loss in 30's and earlier) have this issue of an onion body odor? I'm thinking that maybe our odor can be a gage for if we are on the right track."

Fascinating idea isn't it? I mean I always have my little niggles with every theory but overall I'm interested in this. I wonder how many young MPBers have funny-looking tongues and onion-smelling armpits! haha :)

Brains Expel Hair

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seaback said:
ok... No doubt anymore...
You are a troll.
Or you are CCS under a second pseudo.

You know, if you fling enough sh*t at a wall something's bound to stick. It's not like he's posting this stuff and saying that it's completely valid (at least this time). You may wish to refresh your definition of what an internet troll is, so far the only troll in this thread is you.

The onion, cheese thing was a Swiss study and I don't believe it's been replicated yet in additional populations. It did show a marked difference between the sexes, however this could simply be due to the larger carbohydrate cravings found in women as opposed to the larger protein cravings found in men. This by itself could explain the difference in body odor experienced by someone who lowered their carb consumption through a gluten-free diet and then raised it again by going back to grains. Of course, now I'm wishing I could better recall how I smelled before going gluten-free.

Brains Expel Hair

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HAHAHAHAHA, ohhhh bullshit... My tongue actually does look a lot better today at least compared to everyday before going gluten-free. Hadn't noticed till now.


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Brains, exactly! I liked this idea (it seems backed up by a fair few people, many pretty intelligent), because it's an easy gauge. If your tongue looks MESSED up, then maybe your body is reacting to something, and maybe that something is also affecting other parts of your body, such as your hair :) Just an idea!

I am starting to think my tongue looks a bit nicer I think since cleaning up my diet and cutting stuff like gluten, but it's still v early days :)

Brains Expel Hair

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It could easily just be a suggestive effect I'm noticing and not an actual difference. The main difference which I believe I am noticing would most likely be attributed to my Sjogren's complications that have cleared up since going gluten free, leading to a much better environment for my tongue.


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lol Jacob we mean body odor as something that may indicate underlying problems! Not that the odor itself is the problem as such!

To be honest I have no idea what my body odor is like because I use this crystal rock salt thing to stop myself smelling lol (as well as Lynx or something) and my diet is really good now anyway. But yah, still an interesting topic I think!


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Ah..obviously. This pill would take care of that underlining problem. It is working internally, after all. (there's a joke in there...)


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hehe :)

Actually I forgot about this thread! I've been stuffing my face with this organic easter egg recently which is VERY naughty (sugar is one of the next things I will eliminate down to very low... but this egg is it's final hurrah before I switch to low sugar, dark chocolate!).

I'll go check my tongue anyway!

hmm, still getting better I think! It's quite nice to have things that serve as "gauges" to your body's overall health. I'm sure there are lots, many people believe that hair (loss), including male pattern baldness, is one of them. I erm.. yeah I follow at least elements of that theory :)

Another thing I plan to do very soon is get my amalgam fillings removed, I want to get my mercury and fluoride levels nice and low :)


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yes see Jacob I like to indulge in this thing called "learning", and whereas on here very few people seem to discuss this kind of thing or know loads about it, on there I'm much more of a noob, so I ask questions without any shame or concern, and am not afraid to stay open-minded and learn new things.

I have been thoroughly enjoying it and am understanding my body much, much better :)


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But you'd have to include yourself in that category then. You are a noob here as well..regardless of the # of posts you have. The same questions you supposedly have'd have here. But you're not here to learn(your words)..I guess.

Feel free to pass on that teeth rebuilding site/blog. I know somebody who could learn something :)


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I never really claimed not to be a noob o_O

but yes I will read that link, it has some useful information :)


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And obviously you haven't read the link or you wouldn't be asking stupid questions elsewhere..there are answers in that link. Don't worry..I didn't expect you to actually post the information over there. That only works the other way around :woot:


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I see o_O

I'm just on these forums to learn man, I don't treat this like some kind of competition.


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I and others don't see it that way. You don't seem to be here to learn..but to promote some nonsense that you say works so well and yet there's hardly any evidence for it- even over there. And you want to talk about competition? :whistle:

It doesn't even matter what the topic is over here.

Good luck with your spit solution btw :shock: