This is complete snake oil guys! Don't drink the kool aid! Take a quick look at some of Astressin B's properties:
Structure Weight: 3,944.67
Polymer: 1 Type: protein Length: 34
Chains: A
Have you guys ever heard of the 500 dalton rule? Any chemical that weighs over 500 dalton will not pass through the epidermis, this chemical ways a whopping, 3,944 Dalton there is simply no way this would be effective topically at all, additionally, the only results that were documented in mice were acheived through injections, no topical effect was shown to be beneficial at all by the actual researchers, spectral is full of sh*t, they are simply trying to jump on the band wagon because of the hype around astressin B. And another thing: Astressin B is very, very, expensive to synthesize, I have seen quotes in the ten's of thousands for mere Millagrams of Astressin-B, there is no way in hell they put a meaningful amount into this product, if anything the effects they claim they witnessed must be from the GHK peptides or other ingredients in the F7 solution, but not from the Astressin B. Caveat Emptor!